The ‘Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan’ (KVS) operates as an autonomous organization under the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India. Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for multiple post, including Assistant Commissioner, Principal, Vice Principal, PGT, TGT, PRT, Librarian, Finance Officer, Assistant Engineer (Civil), etc. The recruitment process will involve a Computer-Based Test (CBT), and successful candidates may be assigned postings anywhere in India based on the organization's needs. In this context, our focus here is specifically on the post of PRT, TGT, and PGT among those mentioned above.
A thoughtful approach before exams is vital for students aiming to succeed, impacting elements such as time management, prioritization of topics, stress management, and optimal utilization of resources. This approach aids in the judicious distribution of time, ensuring a well-rounded focus on various exam sections. Prioritizing crucial topics serves to alleviate anxiety by acquainting students with the exam pattern. It also promotes the effective utilization of resources, facilitates productive revision, and nurtures confidence through goal-setting and adaptive methodologies. In essence, this strategy empowers students to confront exams with assurance, thereby enhancing their performance under diverse exam conditions. Recognizing this, we have delineated comprehensive strategies for each post within the KVS Exam. We are confident that by perusing and implementing these strategies, students can not only increase their likelihood of passing the exam but also enhance their prospects of securing higher marks.
A Primary Teacher (PRT) or an Elementary Teacher teaches students at the Primary level, i.e., classes 1 to 5. In this examination two papers (first paper is common for all and divided into 4 parts and second paper is subject specific.
First paper in KVS PRT will also be divide in four parts - Part-I is Proficiency in Languages (20 marks), Part-II - General awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers, (20 marks), Part-Ill - Perspectives on Education and Leadership (60 questions) and Part-IV - Subject-specific Syllabus (80 marks). The Syllabus Oriented strategy related to KVS PRT examination can be beneficial for the students.
We can understand syllabus-oriented strategy through the following points:
General English
Part-I (Proficiency in Languages) of this examination is divided in two sections – General English (10 marks) and General Hindi (10 marks). In General English basic knowledge of English will be tested but without the right strategy it is not easy to score marks. To score sufficient marks in this section you should keep the following points in mind:
- Reading English Newspapers: Reading English newspapers daily to enhance language comprehension and awareness.
- Practice Grammar Rules: Regularly practice grammar rules to reinforce your understanding of English language fundamentals.
- Note-Taking: Create concise and handy notes summarizing key points, rules, and concepts for quick revision.
- Thorough Syllabus Review: Familiarize yourself with the entire syllabus, understanding each topic in depth to prepare comprehensively.
- Topic-wise Revision: Systematically revise each topic outlined in the syllabus to reinforce your grasp on essential English concepts.
General Hindi
Part-I (Proficiency in Languages) second section is General Hindi (10 marks). Despite Hindi being the mother tongue of many students, it becomes difficult to score the required marks in this section. Students can score good marks in this section by keeping the following things in mind:
- Reading Hindi Newspapers: Cultivate a routine of daily Hindi newspaper reading to acquire new vocabulary, which will contribute to achieving higher scores in the examination.
- Develop a Strong Understanding of Hindi Grammar: Develop a strong understanding of Hindi grammar by concentrating on areas such as error identification, plural and singular forms, etc., to elevate your level of preparation.
- English to Hindi Translation Passages and Vice-Versa Daily: Challenge yourself by solving a minimum of 1-2 translation passages from English to Hindi each day in a time bound manner. This practice will enhance your speed in responding to questions and improve accuracy during the exam.
- Read Authentic Books: Studying reliable and official books based on General Hindi will be beneficial in getting the score.
General Awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers
In Part-II, important topics like - General Awareness & Current Affairs (10 marks), Reasoning Ability (5 marks) and Computer Literacy (5 marks) are included. Seeing its vividness and importance, there is a need for different strategies to reach the above mentioned topics which can be understood one-by-one through the following points.
- General Awareness & Current Affairs: Subtopics in general awareness become more vivid so it is important that you practice MCQs (Multiple Choices Questions) based questions as much as possible by understanding the weak and strong aspects of your study. To prepare for this section achieve good marks, you can include Drishti Publications' G.K. book and One Day MAGIC Series in your study material.
For current affairs, you need to focus on MCQs and content through daily newspaper or any authentic website or magazine.
- Reasoning: To prepare for this section, it will be necessary to practice as much as possible on the important topics seen in your previous year papers. For this you can also take the help of some authentic book. In this section, it is more important to solve the questions in a time bound manner. For this section you need to focus on some important topics under as :
- Logical Reasoning
- Alphanumeric Series
- Coded Inequalities
- Seating Arrangement
- Coding-Decoding
- Data Sufficiency
- Puzzle Tabulation
- Syllogism
- Ranking, Direction, Alphabet Test
- Blood Relations
- Proficiency in Computers: This section tests fundamental computer knowledge. The questions range of difficulty from easy to moderate. You can improve your weaknesses by participating in practical sessions and practice mocks. Use the best Computer Literacy books to improve your preparations. For this section enhance your preparation by incorporating top-notch Computer Literacy books, such as the G.K. book from Drishti Publications, into your study materials. This resource offers a comprehensive approach to General Awareness, Reasoning, and Proficiency in Computers.
Perspectives on Education and Leadership:
This section is divided in five parts (Total 60 marks) - Understanding the Learner (15 marks), Understanding Teaching Learning (15 marks), Creating Conducive Learning Environment (10 marks), School Organization and Leadership (10 marks) and Perspectives in Education (10 marks). This section is crucial for your success as it covers total 60 marks, hence it is important to focus on it strategically. The section on "Perspectives on Education and Leadership" in the KVS PRT examination is designed to evaluate your comprehension of contemporary theories and practices in the realms of education and leadership. It also aims to gauge your capacity for analysis and reflection on these concepts. To prepare effectively for this exam segment, consider the following steps:
- Understand the Exam Format and Content: Understanding of the exam structure, including the types of questions, time constraints, and the probable topics to be covered.
- Review Course Materials: If you have undergone coursework in education or leadership, revise your notes and Textbooks. This will help refresh your understanding of crucial concepts and theories.
- Read Widely: Explore a variety of sources, including articles, books, and other materials that delve into subjects associated with education and leadership. Pay close attention to contemporary trends and pertinent issues within these fields.
- There is a need to practice ample amount of MCQs based on the latest syllabus and pattern.
Subject-specific Strategy
Part-IV is Subject specific syllabus (Total marks 80) and it includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes I-V) as indicated under respective subject headings like – Hindi, English, Mathematics and Environmental Science (EVS). However, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of Senior Secondary (upto class - XII). This section holds significance for every candidate as it can contribute to both scoring well and adopting an effective study strategy for success. To increase your subject-specific knowledge, it is advisable to include authentic books and websites into your study materials. Additionally, it is necessary consistent practice with subject-specific multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
The interview is of 60 marks (including Demo teaching and Interview). The weightage of Written Test, Professional Competency and Interview will be in the ratio of 70:30. Final merit list will be based on the performance of the candidates in Written Test, Professional Competency, and Interview.
The Detailed Syllabus for KVS PRT is as follows:
Part-I - Proficiency in Languages (20 marks)
(a) General English (10 marks)
Reading comprehension, word power, Grammar & usage
(b) General Hindi (10 marks)
पठन कौशल, शब्द सामर्थ्य, व्याकरण एवं प्रयुक्ति
Part-II — General awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers (20 marks)
(a) General Awareness & Current Affairs (10 marks)
(b) Reasoning Ability (5 marks)
(c) Computer Literacy (5 marks)
Part-Ill -Perspectives on Education and Leadership (60 marks)
(a) Understanding the Learner (15 marks)
- Concept of growth, maturation and development, principles and debates of development, development tasks and challenges
- Domains of Development: Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional, Moral etc., deviations in development and its implications.
- Understanding Adolescence: Needs, challenges, and implications for designing institutional support.
- Role of Primary and Secondary Socialization agencies. Ensuring Home school continuity.
(b) Understanding Teaching Learning
Theoretical perspectives on Learning -Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism with special reference to their implications for:
- The role of teacher
- The role of learner
- Nature of teacher-student relationship
- Choice of teaching methods
- Classroom environment
- Understanding discipline, power etc.
Factors affecting learning and their implications for:
- Designing classroom instructions,
- Planning student activities and,
- Creating learning spaces in school.
Planning and Organization of Teaching-Learning
- Concept of Syllabus and Curriculum, Overt and Hidden Curriculum
- Foundational Literacy and Numeracy, Early Childhood Care and Education
- Competency based Education, Experiential learning, etc.
- Instructional Plans: -Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan
- Instructional material and resources
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for teaching-learning
- Assessment of learning, for learning and as learning: Meaning, purpose and considerations in planning each.
- Enhancing Teaching Learning processes: Classroom Observation and Feedback, Reflections and Dialogues as a means of constructivist teaching
(c) Creating Conducive Learning Environment
- The concepts of Diversity, disability and Inclusion, implications of disability as social construct, types of disabilities-their identification and interventions
- Concept of School Mental Health, addressing the curative, preventive and promotive dimensions of mental health for all students and staff. Provisioning for guidance and counselling.
- Developing School and community as a learning resource.
(d) School Organization and Leadership
- Leader as reflective practitioner, team builder, initiator, coach and mentor.
- Perspectives on School Leadership: instructional, distributed and transformative
- Vision building, goal setting and creating a School development Plan
- Using School Processes and forums for strengthening teaching learning-Annual Calendar, timetabling, parent teacher forums, school assembly, teacher development forums, using achievement data for improving teaching —learning, School Self-Assessment and Improvement.
- Creating partnerships with community, industry and other neighbouring schools and Higher Education Institutes — forming learning communities
(e) Perspectives in Education
- Role of school in achieving aims of education.
- NEP-2020: Early Childhood Care and Education: The Foundation of Learning; Foundational Literacy and Numeracy; Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Holistic & Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All; Competency based learning and Education.
- Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and provisioning for rights of children to safe and secure school environment, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009; Historically studying the National Policies in education with special reference to school education;
- School Curriculum Principles: Perspective, Learning and Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages — Pedagogy & Assessment.
Part IV - Subject-specific Syllabus (80 marks)
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes I - V) as indicated under respective subject headings. However, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of Senior Secondary (up to class XII)
Grammar: Nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, is, am, are, has, have, tense forms (Simple present and present continuous, simple past and past continuous), expressing future (will and be going to), articles, this, that, these, those (as determiners and empty subjects), question words, an, or, but, punctuation marks (full stop, comma, question mark and inverted commas), possessive adjectives, prepositions
व्याकरणः संज्ञा, विशेषण और वचन की पहचान और व्यावहारिक प्रयोग, गणित के पाठ्यक्रम के अनुरूप हिन्दी में संख्याएँ, संयुक्ताक्षरों की पहचान, पर्याय और विलोम (स्तरानुकूल), सर्वनाम और लिंग की पहचान, विशेषण का संज्ञा के साथ सुसंगत प्रयोग, वचन का प्रयोग, क्रिया, काल और कारक चिह्नों की पहचान, शब्दों के संदर्भ में लिंग का प्रयोग
Geometry: Shapes & Spatial Understanding, Solids Around us,
Numbers: Developing A Sense Of Numberness, Counting And Operations Of Numbers, Addition And Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Mental Arithmetic, Fractional Numbers, Money, Measurement, Length, weight, Capacity (Volume), Time, Data Handling, Patterns.
Environmental Science (EVS)
Family and Friends, Food, Shelter, Water, Travel, Things We Make and Do.
A Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) teaches 6th to 10th standard level classes. In this examination there will be one question paper which is divided into four parts. Part-I is Proficiency in Languages (20 marks), Part-II is General awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers, (20 marks), Part-Ill is Perspectives on Education and Leadership (40 marks) and Part-IV is Subject-specific Syllabus (100 marks). The Syllabus Oriented strategy related to KVS TGT examination can be beneficial for the students.
We can understand syllabus-oriented strategy through the following points:
General English
Part-I (Proficiency in Languages) of this examination is divided in two sections General English (10 marks) and General Hindi (10 marks). In General English basic knowledge of English will be tested but without the right strategy it is not easy to score marks. To score sufficient marks in this section you should keep the following points in mind:
- Reading English Newspapers: Reading English newspapers daily to enhance language comprehension and awareness.
- Practice Grammar Rules: Regularly practice grammar rules to reinforce your understanding of English language fundamentals.
- Note-Taking: Create concise and handy notes summarizing key points, rules, and concepts for quick revision.
- Thorough Syllabus Review: Familiarize yourself with the entire syllabus, understanding each topic in depth to prepare comprehensively.
- Topic-wise Revision: Systematically revise each topic outlined in the syllabus to reinforce your grasp on essential English concepts.
General Hindi
Part-I (Proficiency in Languages), second section is General Hindi (10 marks). Despite Hindi being the mother tongue of many students, it becomes difficult to score the required marks in this section. Students can score good marks in this section by keeping the following things in mind:
- Reading Hindi Newspapers: Cultivate a routine of daily Hindi newspaper reading to acquire new vocabulary, which will contribute to achieving higher scores in the examination.
- Develop a Strong Understanding of Hindi Grammar: Develop a strong understanding of Hindi grammar by concentrating on areas such as error identification, plural and singular forms, etc., to elevate your level of preparation.
- English to Hindi Translation Passages and Vice-Versa Daily: Challenge yourself by solving a minimum of 1-2 translation passages from English to Hindi each day in a time bound manner. This practice will enhance your speed in responding to questions and improve accuracy during the exam.
- Read Authentic Books: Studying reliable and official books based on General Hindi will be beneficial in getting the score.
General Awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers
In Part-II, important topics like - General Awareness & Current Affairs (10 marks), Reasoning Ability (5 marks) and Computer Literacy (5 marks) are included. Seeing its vividness and importance, there is a need for different strategies to reach the above-mentioned topics which can be understood one-by-one through the following points.
- General Awareness & Current Affairs: Subtopics in general awareness become more vivid so it is important that you practice MCQs (Multiple Choices Questions) based questions as much as possible by understanding the weak and strong aspects of your study. To prepare for this section achieve good marks, you can include Drishti Publications' G.K. book and One Day MAGIC Series in your study material. For current affairs, you need to focus on MCQs and content through daily newspaper or any authentic website or magazine.
- Reasoning:To prepare for this section, it will be necessary to practice as much as possible on the important topics seen in your previous year papers. For this you can also take the help of some authentic book. In this section, it is more important to solve the questions in a time bound manner. For this section you need to focus on some important topics under as:
- Logical Reasoning
- Alphanumeric Series
- Coded Inequalities
- Seating Arrangement
- Coding-Decoding
- Data Sufficiency
- Puzzle Tabulation
- Syllogism
- Ranking, Direction, Alphabet Test
- Blood Relations
- Proficiency in Computers:This section tests fundamental computer knowledge. The questions range of difficulty from easy to moderate. You can improve your weaknesses by participating in practical sessions and practice mocks. Use the best Computer Literacy books to improve your preparations. For this section enhance your preparation by incorporating top-notch Computer Literacy books, such as the G.K. book from Drishti Publications, into your study materials. This resource offers a comprehensive approach to General Awareness, Reasoning, and Proficiency in Computers.
Perspectives on Education and Leadership:
This section is divided in five parts (Total 40 marks) - Understanding the Learner (10 marks), Understanding Teaching Learning (15 marks), Creating Conducive Learning Environment, School Organization and Leadership and Perspectives in Education (15 marks). This section is crucial for your success as it covers total 60 marks, hence it is important to focus on it strategically. The section on "Perspectives on Education and Leadership" in the KVS TGT examination is designed to evaluate your comprehension of contemporary theories and practices in the realms of education and leadership. It also aims to gauge your capacity for analysis and reflection on these concepts. To prepare effectively for this exam segment, consider the following steps:
- Understand the Exam Format and Content: Understanding of the exam structure, including the types of questions, time constraints, and the probable topics to be covered.
- Review Course Materials: If you have undergone coursework in education or leadership, revise your notes and Textbooks. This will help refresh your understanding of crucial concepts and theories.
- Read Widely: Explore a variety of sources, including articles, books, and other materials that delve into subjects associated with education and leadership. Pay close attention to contemporary trends and pertinent issues within these fields.
- There is a need to practice ample amount of MCQs based on the latest syllabus and pattern.
Subject-specific Strategy
Part-IV is Subject specific Syllabus (Total marks 100) and it includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes 6th to 10th) However, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of Graduation. Following subjects are covered under KVS TGT:
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Science
- English
- Hindi
- Sanskrit
Subject specific knowledge is the deciding factor to get your name in the success list of KVS TGT exam result. This is a competitive exam, so it is important for students to study authentic books in a timely manner and practice MCQs of related subjects on daily basis. Apart from this, it is also important to analyse the previous year's papers so that one can understand the paper pattern and determine which topic is more relevant than other.
Note: Professional Proficiency Test: The Professional Competency Test is of 60 marks (including Demo Teaching - 30 marks and Interview-30 Marks). The weightage of Written Test & Professional Competency (Demo Teaching: 15 and Interview: 15 will be 70:30 Final merit list will be based on the performance of the candidate in Written Test & Professional Competency Test taken together.
The Detailed Syllabus for KVS TGT is as follows:
Part-I : Proficiency in Languages (20 marks)
(a) General English (10 marks)
Reading comprehension, word power, Grammar & usage
(b) General Hindi (10 marks)
पठन कौशल, शब्द सामर्थ्य, व्याकरण एवं प्रयुक्ति
Part-II : General awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers (20 marks)
(a) General Awareness & Current Affairs (10 marks)
(b) Reasoning Ability (5 marks)
(c) Computer Literacy (5 marks)
Part-Ill : Perspectives on Education and Leadership (40 marks)
(a) Understanding the Learner (10 marks)
- Concept of growth, maturation and development, principles and debates of development, development tasks and challenges
- Domains of Development: Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional, Moral etc., deviations in development and its implications.
- Understanding Adolescence: Needs, challenges and implications for designing institutional support.
- Role of Primary and Secondary Socialization agencies. Ensuring Home school continuit
(b) Understanding Teaching Learning (15 marks)
Theoretical perspectives on Learning -Behaviourism, Cognitivism and Constructivism with special reference to their implications for:
- The role of teacher
- The role of learner
- Nature of teacher-student relationship
- Choice of teaching methods
- Classroom environment
- Understanding discipline, power etc.
Factors affecting learning and their implications for:
- Designing classroom instructions,
- Planning student activities and,
- Creating learning spaces in school.
Planning and Organization of Teaching-Learning
- Concept of Syllabus and Curriculum, Overt and Hidden Curriculum, curriculum organization.
- Competency based Education, Experiential learning, etc.
- Instructional Plans: -Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan.
- Instructional material and resources.
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for teaching-learning.
- Evaluation: Purpose, types and limitations. Continuous and Evaluation, Characteristics of a good tool.
- Assessment of learning, for learning and as learning: Meaning, considerations in planning each.
- Enhancing Teaching Learning processes: Classroom Observation and Feedback, Principles of Comprehensive purpose and Reflections and Dialogues as a means of constructivist teaching.
(c) Creating Conducive Learning Environment (6 marks)
- The concepts of Diversity, disability and Inclusion, implications of disability as social construct, types of disabilities-their identification and interventions.
- Concept of School Mental Health, addressing the curative, preventive and promotive dimensions of mental health for all students and staff. Provisioning for guidance and counselling.
- Developing School and community as a learning resource.
(d) School Organization and Leadership (6 marks)
- Leader as reflective practitioner, team builder, initiator, coach and mentor.
- Perspectives on School Leadership: instructional, distributed and transformative.
- Vision building, goal setting and creating a School development Plan.
- Using School Processes and forums for strengthening teaching learning-Annual Calendar, timetabling, parent teacher forums, school assembly, teacher development forums, using achievement data for improving teaching-learning, School Self-Assessment and Improvement.
- Creating partnerships with community, industry and other neighbouring schools and Higher Education Institutes — forming learning communities
(e) Perspectives in Education (3 marks)
- Role of school in achieving aims of education.
- NEP-2020: Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Holistic & Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All; Competency based learning and Education.
- Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and provisioning for rights of children to safe and secure school environment, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
- Historically studying the National Policies in education with special reference to school education;
- School Curriculum Principles: Perspective, Learning and Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages, Pedagogy and Assessment
Part-IV : Subject specific Syllabus (100 marks)
TGT - Mathematics
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes VI to X), however, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of Graduation.
Real Numbers
- Review of representation of natural numbers, integers, and rational numbers on the number line. Rational numbers as recurring/ terminating decimals. Operations on real numbers.
- Examples of non-recurring/non-terminating decimals. Existence of non-rational numbers (irrational numbers) such as √2, √3 and their representation on the number line. Explaining that every real number is represented by a unique point on the number line and conversely, viz. every point on the number line represents a unique real number.
- Definition of nth root of a real number.
- Rationalization of real numbers of the type
whose combinations where x and y are natural number and a and b are integers.
- Laws of exponents with integral powers. Rational exponents with positive real bases
- Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic statements after reviewing work done earlier and after illustrating and motivating through examples, Proofs the irrationality of √2, √3 and √5
- Definition of a polynomial in one variable, with examples and counter examples.
- Coefficients of a polynomial, terms of a polynomial and zero polynomial.
- Degree of a polynomial. Constant, linear, quadratic and cubic polynomials. Monomials, binomials, trinomials. Factors and multiples.
- Zeros of a polynomial. Relationship between zeros and coefficients of quadratic polynomials.
- Remainder Theorem with examples, Factor Theorem.
- Factorization of ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0 where a, b and c are real numbers, and of cubic polynomials using the Factor Theorem.
- The algebraic expressions and identities. Verification of identities:

- factorization of polynomials.
Linear Equations in Two Variables
Linear equations in one variable. Introduction to the equation in two variables. Focus on linear equations of the type ax + by + c = 0. Explain that a linear equation in two variables has infinitely many solutions and justify their being written as ordered pairs of real numbers, plotting them and showing that they lie on a line.
Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Pair of linear equations in two variables and graphical method of their solution, consistency/inconsistency. Algebraic conditions for number of solutions. Solution of a pair of linear equations in two variables algebraically - by substitution, by elimination. Simple situational problems.
Quadratic Equations
Standard form of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0, (a ≠ 0). Solutions of quadratic equations (only real roots) by factorization, and by using quadratic formula. Relationship between discriminant and nature of roots.
Arithmetic Progressions
Arithmetic Progression, nth term and sum of the first n terms of A.P. and their application in solving daily life problems.
Coordinate Geometry
The Cartesian plane, coordinates of a point, names and terms associated with the coordinate plane, notations. Graphs of linear equations. Distance formula. Section formula (internal division)
Introduction to Euclid's Geometry
History-Geometry in India and Euclid's geometry. Euclid's method of formalizing observed phenomenon into rigorous Mathematics with definitions, common/obvious notions, axioms/postulates and theorems. The five postulates of Euclid. Showing the relationship between axiom and theorem, for example: (Axiom) 1. Given two distinct points, there exists one and only one line through them. (Theorem) 2. (Prove) Two distinct lines cannot have more than one point in common.
Lines and Angles
- If a ray stands on a line, then the sum of the two adjacent angles so formed is 180 degrees and the converse.
- If two lines intersect, vertically opposite angles are equal.
- Lines which are parallel to a given line are parallel.
- Two triangles are congruent if any two sides and the included angle of one triangle is equal to any two sides and the included angle of the other triangle (SAS Congruence).
- Two triangles are congruent if any two angles and the included side of one triangle is equal to any two angles and the included side of the other triangle (ASA Congruence).
- Two triangles are congruent if the three sides of one triangle are equal to three sides of the other triangle (SSS Congruence).
- Two right triangles are congruent if the hypotenuse and a side of one triangle are equal (respectively) to the hypotenuse and a side of the other triangle. (RHS Congruence)
- The angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle are equal.
- The sides opposite to equal angles of a triangle are equal.
- If a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.
- If a line divides two sides of a triangle in the same ratio, the line is parallel to the third side.
- If in two triangles, the corresponding angles are equal, their corresponding sides are proportional and the triangles are similar.
- If the corresponding sides of two triangles are proportional, their corresponding angles are equal and the two triangles are similar.
- If one angle of a triangle is equal to one angle of another triangle and the sides including these angles are proportional, the two triangles are similar.
- The diagonal divides a parallelogram into two congruent triangles.
- In a parallelogram opposite sides are equal, and conversely.
- In a parallelogram opposite angles are equal, and conversely.
- A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if a pair of its opposite sides is parallel and equal.
- In a parallelogram, the diagonals bisect each other and conversely.
- In a triangle, the line segment joining the mid points of any two sides is parallel to the third side and in half of it and (motivate) its converse.
- Equal chords of a circle subtend equal angles at the centre and (motivate) its converse.
- The perpendicular from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the chord and conversely, the line drawn through the centre of a circle to bisect a chord is perpendicular to the chord.
- Equal chords of a circle (or of congruent circles) are equidistant from the centre (or their respective centres) and conversely.
- The angle subtended by an arc at the centre is double the angle subtended by it at any point on the remaining part of the circle.
- Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal.
- If a line segment joining two points subtends equal angle at two other points lying on the same side of the line containing the segment, the four points lie on a circle.
- The sum of either of the pair of the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral is 180° and its converse.
- Tangent to a circle at, point of contact
- The tangent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius through the point of contact.
- The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.
Area of a triangle using Heron's formula, Area of sectors and segments of a circle. Problems based on areas and perimeter/circumference of the above said plane figures. (In calculating area of segment of a circle, problems should be restricted to central angle of 60°, 90° and 120°)
Surface Areas and Volumes
Surface areas and volumes of spheres (including hemispheres) and right circular cones.
Surface areas and volumes of combinations of any two of the following: cubes, cuboids,
spheres, hemispheres and right circular cylinders/cones
Bar graphs, histograms (with varying base lengths), and frequency polygons.Mean, median
and mode of grouped data
Classical definition of probability.Simple problems on finding the probability of an event.
Trigonometric ratios of an acute angle of a right-angled triangle. Proof of their existence (well
defined); motivate the ratios whichever are defined at 00 and 900. Values of the trigonometric
ratios of 300, 450 and 600.Relationships between the ratios.
Trigonometric Identities
Proof and applications of the identity sin2 A + cos2 A= 1. . Only simple identities to be given.
Heights And Distances
Angle of elevation, Angle of Depression. Simple problems on heights and distances. Problems
should not involve more than two right triangles. Angles of elevation / depression should be
only 30°, 45°, and 60°.
TGT – Science
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes VI to X), however, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of Graduation.
Matter-Nature and Behaviour
Definition of matter; solid, liquid and gas; characteristics - shape, volume, density; change of state melting (absorption of heat), freezing, evaporation (cooling by evaporation), condensation, sublimation.
Nature of Matter
Elements, compounds and mixtures. Heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures, colloids and suspensions. Physical and chemical changes (excluding separating the components of a mixture).
Particle Nature and their Basic Units
Atoms and molecules, Law of Chemical Combination, Chemical formula of common compounds, Atomic and molecular masses.
Structure of Atoms
Electrons, protons and neutrons, Valency, Atomic Number and Mass Number, Isotopes and Isobars.
Chemical Reactions
Chemical equation, Balanced chemical equation, implications of a balanced chemical equation, types of chemical reactions: combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, precipitation, endothermic exothermic reactions, oxidation and reduction.
Acids, Bases and Salts
Their definitions in terms of furnishing of H+ and OH– ions, General properties, examples and uses, neutralization, concept of pH scale (Definition relating to logarithm not required), importance of pH in everyday life; preparation and uses of Sodium Hydroxide, Bleaching powder, Baking soda, Washing soda and Plaster of Paris.
Metals And Non-metal
Properties of metals and non-metals; Reactivity series; Formation and properties of ionic compounds; Basic metallurgical processes; Corrosion and its prevention.
Carbon Compounds
Covalent bonding in carbon compounds. Versatile nature of carbon. Homologous series. Nomenclature of carbon compounds containing functional groups (halogens, alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes and alkynes), difference between saturated hydro carbons and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution reaction). Ethanol and Ethanoic acid (only properties and uses), soaps and detergents.
Cell – The Basic Unit of Life
Cell as a basic unit of life; prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, multi cellular organisms; cell membrane and cell wall, cell organelles and cell inclusions; chloroplast, mitochondria, vacuoles, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus; nucleus, chromosomes – basic structure, number.
Tissues, Organs, Organ System, Organism
Structure and functions of animal and plant tissues (only four types of tissues in animals; Meristematic and Permanent tissues in plants).
Life Processes
‘Living Being’. Basic concept of nutrition, respiration, transport and excretion in plants and animals.
Control and Co-ordination in Animals and Plants
Tropic movements in plants; Introduction of plant hormones; Control and co-ordination in animals: Nervous system; Voluntary, involuntary and reflexaction; Chemical coordination: animal hormones.
Reproduction in animals and plants (asexual and sexual) reproductive health – need and methods of family planning. Safe sex vs HIV/AIDS. Childbearing and women’s health.
Heredity and Evolution:
Heredity; Mendel’s contribution-Laws for inheritance of traits: Sex determination: brief introduction evolution. Motion:
Distance and displacement, velocity; uniform and non-uniform motion along a straight line; acceleration, distance-time and velocity-time graphs for uniform motion and uniformly accelerated motion, elementary idea of uniform circular motion.
Force and Newton’s Laws:
Force and Motion, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Action and Reaction forces, Inertia of a body, Inertia and mass, Momentum, Force and Acceleration.
Gravitation; Universal Law of Gravitation, Force of Gravitation of the earth (gravity), Acceleration due to Gravity; Mass and Weight; Freefall.
Thrust and Pressure. Archimedes’ Principle; Buoyancy.
Work, Energy and Power:
Work done by a Force, Energy, power; Kinetic and Potential energy; Law of conservation of energy).
Nature of sound and its propagation in various media, speed of sound, range of hearing in humans; ultrasound; reflection of sound; echo.
Effects of Current
Electric current, potential difference and electric current. Ohm’s law; Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. Series combination of resistors, parallel combination of resistors and its applications in daily life. Heating effect of electric current and its applications in daily life. Electric power, Interrelation between P, V, I and R.
Magnetic effects of Current
Magnetic field, field lines, field due to a current carrying conductor, field due to current carrying coil or solenoid; Force on current carrying conductor, Fleming’s Left Hand Rule, Electric Motor, Electromagnetic induction. Induced potential difference, Induced current. Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, Electric Generator, Direct current. Alternating current: frequency of AC. Advantage of AC over DC. Domestic electric circuits.
Food Production
Plant and animal breeding and selection for quality improvement and management; Use of fertilizers and manures; Protection from pests and diseases; Organic farming.
Natural Phenomena
Reflection of light by curved surfaces; Images formed by spherical mirrors, centre of curvature, principal axis, principal focus, focal length, mirror formula (Derivation not required), magnification. Refraction; Laws of refraction, refractive index. Refraction of light by spherical lens; Image formed by spherical lenses; Lens formula (Derivation not required); Magnification. Power of a lens. Functioning of a lens in human eye, defects of vision and their corrections, applications of spherical mirrors and lenses. Refraction of light through a prism, dispersion of light, scattering of light, applications in daily life
Our Environment
Eco-system, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and their solutions. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances.
TGT – Social Science
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Text Books (Classes VI to X), however, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of Graduation.
Events and Processes
- The French Revolution:
- French Society During the Late Eighteenth Century
- The Outbreak of the Revolution
- France Abolishes Monarchy and Becomes a Republic
- Did Women have a Revolution?
- The Abolition of Slavery
- The Revolution and Everyday Life
- Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution:
- The Age of Social Change
- The Russian Revolution
- The February Revolution in Petrograd
- What Changed after October?
- The Global Influence of the Russian Revolution and the USSR
- Nazism and the Rise of Hitler:
- Birth of T he Weimar Republic
- Hitler’s Rise to Power
- The Nazi World view
- Youth in Nazi Germany
- Ordinary People and the Crimes Against Humanity
Livelihoods, Economies and Societies
- Forest Society and Colonialism:
- Why Deforestation?
- The Rise of Commercial Forestry
- Rebellion in the Forest
- Forest Transformations in Java
- Pastoralists in the Modern World:
- Pastoral Nomads and their Movements
- Colonia
- l Rule and Pastoral Life
- Pastoralismin Africa
Contemporary India–I
- India
- Location
- Size
- India and the World
- India's Neighbours
- Physical Features of India
- Major Physiographic Divisions–Himalayan Mountains, Northern Plains, Peninsular Plateau, Indian Desert, Coastal Plains, Islands
- Drainage
- Concept
- Drainage Systems in India
- The Himalayan Rivers-Ganga and Brahmaputra River System
- The Peninsular Rivers- Narmada Basin,Tapti Basin, Godavari Basin, Mahanadi Basin, Krishna Basin, Kaveri Basin
- Lakes
- Role of Rivers in the Economy
- River Pollution
- Climate
- Concept
- Climatic Controls
- Factors influencing India's climate –Latitude, Altitude, Pressure and Winds
- The Seasons–Cold Weather Season, Hot Weather Season, Advancing Monsoon, Retreating / Post Monsoons
- Distribution of Rainfall
- Monsoon as a unifying bond
- Natural Vegetation and WildLife
- Types of Vegetation–Tropical Evergreen Forests, Tropical Deciduous Forests, Thorn Forests and Shrubs, Montane Forests, Mangrove Forests
- Wild Life
- Population
- Population Size and Distribution–India's Population Size and Distribution by Numbers, India's Population Distribution by Density
- Population Growth and Processes of Population Change–Population Growth, Processes of Population Change/Growth
Democratic Politics – I
- What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
- What is Democracy?
- Features of Democracy
- Why Democracy?
- Broader Meanings of Democracy
- Constitutional Design
- Democratic Constitution in South Africa
- Why do we need a Constitution?
- Making of the Indian Constitution
- Guiding Values of the Indian Constitution
- Electoral Politics
- Why Elections?
- What is our System of Elections?
- What makes elections in India democratic?
- Working of Institutions
- How is the major policy decision taken?
- Parliament
- Political Executive
- The Judiciary
- Democratic Rights
- Life without Rights
- Rights in a Democracy
- Rights in the Indian Constitution
- expanding scope of rights
- The Story of Village Palampur
- Overview
- Organization of Production
- Farming in Palampur
- Non-farm activities in Palampur
- People as Resource
- Overview
- Economic Activities by Men and Women
- Quality of Population
- Unemployment
- Poverty as a Challenge
- Overview
- Two typical cases of Poverty
- Poverty as seen by Social Scientists
- Poverty Estimates
- Vulnerable Groups
- Interstate Disparities
- Global Poverty Scenario
- Causes of Poverty
- Anti-Poverty measures
- The Challenges Ahead
- Food Security in India
- Overview
- What is Food Security?
- Why Food Security?
- Who are food insecure?
- Food Security in India
- What is Buffer Stock?
India and the Contemporary World – II
Events and Processes:
- The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
- The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation
- The Making of Nationalism in Europe
- The Age of Revolutions 1830-1848
- The Making of Germany and Italy
- Visualizing the Nation
- Nationalism and Imperialism
- Nationalism in India
- The First World War, Khilafat and Non
- Cooperation
- Differing Strands within the Movement
- Towards Civil Disobedience
- The Sense of Collective Belonging
Livelihoods, Economies and Societies:
- The Making of a Global World
- The Pre-modern world
- The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914)
- The Inter war Economy
- Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-War Era
- The Age of Industrialization
- Before the Industrial Revolution
- Hand Labour and Steam Power
- Industrialization in the Colonies
- Factories Come Up
- The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth
- Market for Goods
Everyday Life, Culture and Politics:
- Print Culture and the Modern World:
- The First Printed Books
- Print Comes to Europe
- The Print Revolution and its Impact
- The Reading Mania
- The Nineteenth Century
- India and the World of Print
- Religious Reform and Public Debates
- New Forms of Publication
- Print and Censorship
Contemporary India – II
- Resources and Development
- Concept
- Development of Resources
- Resource Planning – Resource Planning in India, Conservation of Resources
- Land Resources
- Land Utilization
- Land Use Pattern in India
- Land Degradation and Conservation Measures
- Soil as a Resource - Classification of Soils, Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation
- Forest and Wildlife
- Conservation of forest and wildlife in India
- Types and distribution of forests and wildlife resources
- Community and Conservation
- Water Resources
- Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management
- Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources Management
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Agriculture
- Types of Farming – Primitive Subsistence, Intensive Subsistence, Commercial
- Cropping Pattern – Major Crops, Food Crops other than Grains, Non Food Crops, Technological and Institutional Reforms
- Food Security (excluding impact of globalization on agriculture)
- Minerals and Energy Resources
- What is a mineral?
- Mode of occurrence of Minerals – Where are these minerals found?, Ferrous Minerals, Non-Ferrous Minerals, Non-Metallic Minerals, Rock Minerals
- Conservation of Minerals
- Energy Resources – Conventional Sources of Energy, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy
- Conservation of Energy Resources
- Manufacturing Industries
- Importance of Manufacturing – Industrial Location (excluding Industry Market Linkage), Agro based Industry (excluding Cotton Textiles, Jute Textiles, Sugar Industry), Mineral based Industries (excluding Iron Steel Industry, Cement Industry), Industrial Pollution and Environmental Degradation, Control of Environmental Degradation
- Lifelines of National Economy
- Roadways
- Railways
- Pipelines
- Waterways
- Major Seaports
- Airways
- Communication
- International Trade
- Tourism as a Trade
Democratic Politics – II
- Power Sharing
- Belgium and Sri Lanka
- Majoritarianism in Sri Lanka
- Accommodation in Belgium
- Why is power sharing desirable?
- Forms of Power Sharing
- Federalism
- What is Federalism?
- What makes India a Federal Country?
- How is Federalism practiced?
- Decentralization in India
- Gender, Religion and Caste
- Gender and Politics - Public/Private division, Women's political representation
- Religion, Communalism and Politics –Communalism, Secular State
- Caste and Politics - Caste inequalities, Caste in politics, Politics in caste
- Political Parties
- Why do we need Political Parties?
- Meaning, Functions, Necessity
- How many parties should we have?
- National Parties
- State Parties
- Challenges to Political Parties
- How can Parties be reformed?
- Outcomes of Democracy
- How do we assess democracy's outcomes?
- Accountable, responsive and legitimate government
- Economic growth and development
- Reduction of inequality and poverty
- Accommodation of social diversity
- Dignity and freedom of the citizens
Understanding Economic Development
- Development
- What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals
- Income and Other Goals
- National Development
- How to compare different countries or states?
- Income and other criteria
- Public Facilities
- Sustainability of Development
- Sectors of the Indian Economy
- Sectors of Economic Activities
- Comparing the three sectors
- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India
- Division of sectors as organized and unorganized
- Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors
- Money and Credit
- Money as a medium of exchange
- Modern forms of Money
- Loan activities of Banks
- Two different Credit situations
- Terms of Credit
- Formal Sector Credit in India
- Self Help Groups for the Poor
- Globalization and the Indian Economy
- Production across countries across countries
- Foreign Trade and integration of markets
- What is Globalization?
- Factors that have enabled Globalization
- World Trade Organization
- Impact of Globalization in India
- The Struggle for a fair Globalization
- Consumer Right
TGT - English
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes VI to X), however, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of Graduation.
- Who Did Patrick’s Homework?, How the Dog Found Himself a New Master?, Taro’s Reward, An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla, A Different Kind of School , Who I Am (Part-1) Fair Play ,The Banyan Tree, A House, A Home, The Kite, The Quarrel, Beauty, Where Do All The Teachers Go ?, The Wonderful Words, Vocation.
- A pact with the Sun (Supplementary Reader) : A tale of two birds, The Friendly Mongoose, The Shepherd’s Treasure, Tansen, The Monkey and the Crocodile, The wonder called sleep, A pact with the Sun.
- Three Questions, The Squirrel, A Gift of Chappals, The Rebel, The Shed, Gopal and the Hilsa Fish, The Ashes that Made the Trees Bloom, Chivvy, Quality, Trees, Experts Detectives, Mystery of the talking fan, Invention of Vita Work, Dad and the Cat and the Tree, Meadow Surprises, Garden Shake.
- An Alien Hand (Supplementary Reader) : The Tiny Teacher, bringing up Kari, Golu Grows a nose, Chandni, The Bear story, A Tiger in the House, An Alien Hand
- The Best Christmas Present in the World, The Tsumani, Glimpses of the Past, Bepin Babu, The Summit Within, The Ant and the Cricket, Geography Lesson, The Last Bargain, The School Boy, this is Jody’s Fawn, The Duck and the Kangaroo, A visit to Cambridge, A short Monsoon Diary, On the grasshopper and the Cricket.
- How the Camel Got his Hump, Children at Work, The Selfish Giant, The Treasure Within, Princess September, The Fight, Jalebis.
- The Fun They Had, The Sound of Music, The Little Girl, A Truly Beautiful Mind, The Snake and the Mirror, My Childhood, Reach For The Top, Kathmandu, If I were You , The Road Not Taken, Wind, Rain on The Roof, The Lake Isle of Innisfree, A Legend of The Northland, No Men Are Foreign, On Killing a Tree, A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal, The Lost Child, The Adventures of Toto, Iswaran the Storyteller, In the Kingdom of Fools, The Happy Prince, The Last Leaf, A House is not a Home, The Beggar.
- Topics : A Letter to God, Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom, Two Stories About Flying, .From the Diary of Anne Frank, Glimpses of India, Mijbil the Otter, Madam Rides the Bus, The Sermon at Benares, The Proposal , Dust of Snow , Fire and Ice , A Tiger in the Zoo, .How to Tell Wild Animals, The Ball Poem, Amanda!, The Trees,. Fog, The Tale of Custard the Dragon, For Anne Gregory, A Triumph of Surgery, The Thief's Story, The Midnight Visitor, A Question of Trust, Footprints Without Feet, The Making of a Scientist, The Necklace, Bholi, The Book That Saved the Earth
- Grammar : Determiners, linking words, adverbs (place and types), tense forms, clauses, passivation, adjectives (comparative and superlative forms), modal auxiliaries, word order in sentence types, reported speech, Sequence of tenses, non-finites (infinitives, gerunds, participles, complex and compound sentences, phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases, cohesive devices, punctuation (semicolon, colon, dash, hyphen, parenthesis or use of brackets and exclamation mark).
TGT हिन्दी
विषय विशेष पाठ्यक्रम में NCERT/CBSE पाठ्यक्रम में प्रदत्त एवं कक्षा 6 और 10 की पुस्तकों में अंतर्निहित अवधारणा/संकल्पना समिल्लित है, हालाँकि प्रश्नों के माध्यम से उपर्युक्त अवधारणाओं और अनुप्रयोगों की स्नातक स्तर तक की समझ का आकलन किया जाएगा।
- हिन्दी भाषा और व्याकरण
- वर्णव्यवस्था - वर्ण, मात्रा, अक्षर
- वर्तनी तथा वर्तनी व्यवस्था वर्ण स्तर पर, शब्द स्तर पर, वाक्य स्तर पर; वर्तनी की सामान्य अशुद्धियाँ
- सन्धि भेद - स्वर सन्धि, व्यंजन सन्धि, विसर्ग सन्धि, हिन्दी की अपनी संधियाँ।
- शब्द-भंडार और शब्द निर्माण-शब्दों का वर्गीकरण
स्रोत, उत्पत्ति या इतिहास के आधार पर- तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज, आगत (विदेशज), संकर
रचना के आधार पर - मूल या रूढ़ शब्द, व्युत्पन्न शब्द- यौगिक, योगरूढ़
अर्थ के आधार पर - पर्यायवाची, विलोमार्थी, एकार्थी, अनेकार्थी, श्रुति समभिन्नार्थक शब्द; शब्द निर्माण-उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, समास, युग्म शब्द, पुनरुक्त शब्द
- पद व्यवस्था - शब्द और पद
पद के भेद - संज्ञा एवं संज्ञा - भेद, लिंग, वचन, कारक; सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम-भेद; विशेषण एवं विशेषण-भेद, प्रविशेषण; क्रिया एवं क्रिया-भेद, वाच्य; अव्यय एवं अव्यय-भेद
- पद-परिचय - संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, अव्यय
- वाक्य-व्यवस्था - वाक्य के अंग- उद्देश्य, विधेय;
वाक्य रचना - वाक्य के अनिवार्य तथा ऐच्छिक घटक; पदबंध और उपवाक्य;
वाक्य के प्रकार - रचना के आधार पर; अर्थ के आधार पर; वाक्य रचना की अशुद्धियाँ, वाक्य रूपांतरण
- मुहावरे और लोकोत्तियाँ
- अलंकार-अनुप्रास, पुनरुक्ति, यमक, उपमा, उत्प्रेक्षा, रूपक, अतिशयोक्ति, मानवीकरण
अवबोधन तथा रचनात्मक अभिव्यक्ति
- पाठ-बोधन-अपठित पद्य एवं गद्य
- लिखित रचना -
- पत्र लेखन - प्रार्थना पत्र, आवेदन पत्र, बधाई पत्र, शुभकामना पत्र, निमंत्रण पत्र, संवेदना पत्र, शिकायती पत्र, समस्या-सम्बन्धी (प्रकाशनार्थ) पत्र
- अनुच्छेद लेखन, स्ववृत्त लेखन, संवाद लेखन, विज्ञापन लेखन, सूचना लेखन
पाठ्यपुस्तक-वसंत, भाग-1 |
पाठ्यपुस्तक-वसंत, भाग-2 |
पाठ्यपुस्तक-वसंत, भाग-3 |
1. वह चिड़िया जो |
1. हम पंछी उन्मुक्त गगन के |
1. ध्वनि |
2. बचपन |
2. दादी माँ |
2. लाख की चूड़ियाँ |
3. नादान दोस्त |
3. हिमालय की बेटियाँ |
3. बस की यात्रा |
4. चाँद से थोड़ी सी गप्पें |
4. कठपुतली |
4. दीवानों की हस्ती |
5. अक्षरों का महत्त्व |
5. मिठाई वाला |
5. चिट्ठियों की अनूठी दुनिया |
6. पार नज़र के |
6. रक्त और हमारा शरीर |
6. भगवान के डाकिए |
7. साथी हाथ बढ़ाना |
7. पापा खो गए |
7. क्या निराश हुआ जाए |
8. ऐसे-ऐसे |
8. शाम एक किशान |
8. यह सब से कठिन समय नहीं |
9. टिकट अलबम |
9. चिड़िया की बच्ची |
9. कबीर की साखियाँ |
10. झांसी की रानी |
10. अपूर्व अनुभव |
10. कामचोर |
11. जो देखकर भी नहीं देखते |
11. रहीम के दोहे |
11. जब सिनेमा ने बोलना सीखा |
12. संसार पुस्तक है |
12. कंचा |
12. सुदामा चरित |
13. मैं सबसे छोटी होऊँ |
13. एक तिनका |
13. जहाँ पहिया है |
14. लोकगीत |
14. खान पान की बदलती तस्वीर |
14. अकबरी लोटा |
15.नौकर |
15. नीलकण्ठ |
15. सूर के पद |
16. वन के मार्ग में |
16. भोर और बरखा |
16. पानी की कहानी |
17. साँस-साँस में बांस |
17. वीर कुँवर सिंह |
17. बाज़ और साँप |
18. संघर्ष के कारण मैं तुनक मिजाज हो गया |
18. टोपी |
19. आश्रम का अनुमानित व्यय |
20. विप्लव गायन |
पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक-बाल राम प्रथा |
पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक-बाल महाभारत कथा |
पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक - भारत की खोज |
1. अवध पुरी में राम |
1. अहमद नगर का किला |
2. जंगल और जनकपुर |
2. तलाश |
3. दो वरदान |
3. सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता |
4. राम का वनगमन |
4. युगों का दौर |
5. चित्रकूट में भरत |
5. नयी समस्याएँ |
6. दंडक वन में दस वर्ष |
6. अंतिम दौर : एक |
7. सोने का हिरन |
7. अंतिम दौर : दो |
8. सीता की खोज |
8. तनाव |
9. राम और सुग्रीव |
9. दो पृष्ठ भूमियाँ-भारतीय और अंग्रेज़ी |
10. लंका में हनुमान |
11. लंका विजय |
12. राम का राज्याभिषेक |
पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक-बाल राम प्रथा |
पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक-बाल महाभारत कथा |
पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक-भारत की खोज |
पाठ्यपुस्तक-क्षितिज भाग-1 |
पाठ्य पुस्तक-क्षितिज भाग-2 |
1. दो बैलों की कथा |
1. पद-ऊधौ तुम हो अति बड़भागी, मन की मन ही माँझ रही, हमारे हरि हारिल की लकरी, हरि हैं राजनीति पढ़ि आए |
2. ल्हासा की ओर |
2. राम-लक्ष्मण परशुराम संवाद |
3.उपभोक्ता वाद की संस्कृति |
3. सवैया-पाँयनिनूपुर....,
4. साँवले सपनों की याद |
4. आत्मकथ्य |
5. नाना साहब की पुत्री देवी मैना को भस्म कर दिया गया |
5. उत्साह, अटनहीं रही है |
6. प्रेम चंद के फटे जूते |
6. यह दंतुरित मुस्कान, फसल |
7. मेरे बचपन के दिन |
7. छाया मत छूना |
8. एक कुत्ता और एक मैना |
8. कन्यादान |
9. सखियाँ एवं सबद |
9. संगतकार |
10. वाख |
10. नेता जी का चश्मा |
11. सवैये |
11. बाल गोबिन भगत |
12. कैदी और कोकोला |
12. लखनवी अंदाज़ |
13. ग्रामश्री |
13. मानवीयकरुणा की दिव्य चमक |
14. चंद्र गहना से लौटती बेर |
14. एक कहानी यह भी |
15. मेघ आए |
15. स्त्री-शिक्षा के विरोधी कुतर्कों का खंडन |
16. यमराज की दिशा |
16. नौबतखाने में इबादत |
17. बच्चे काम पर जा रहे हैं |
17. संस्कृति |
पाठ्यपुस्तक-कृतिका-1 |
पाठ्यपुस्तक-कृतिका भाग-2 |
1. इस जल प्रलय में |
1. माता का आँचल |
2. मेरे संग की औरतें |
2. ज़ॉर्ज पंचम की नाक |
3. रीढ़ की हड्डी |
3. साना माना हाथ जोड़ि....; |
4. माटी वाली |
4 . एही ठैंया झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा; |
5. किसी तरह आखिरकार मैं हिंदी में आया |
5. मैं क्यों लिखता हूँ। |
TGT संस्कृत
विषय विशेष पाठ्यक्रम में NCERT/CBSE पाठ्यक्रम में प्रदत्त एवं कक्षा 6 और 10 की पुस्तकों में अंतर्निहित अवधारणा/संकल्पना समिल्लित है, हालाँकि प्रश्नों के माध्यम से उपर्युक्त अवधारणाओं और अनुप्रयोगों की स्नातक स्तर तक की समझ का आकलन किया जाएगा।
रुचिरा, प्रथमोभाग:, एन सी ई आर टी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
शब्दपरिचय:- I; शब्दपरिचय:- II; शब्दपरिचय:- III; विद्यालय: ; वृक्षा:; समुद्रतट: ; बकस्यप्रतीकार: ; सूक्तिस्तबक:; क्रीडास्पर्धा; कृषिका: कर्मवीरा: ; दशम: त्वम् असि ; विमानयानं रचयाम ; अहह आ: च ; कारक-विभक्ति-परिचय:, शब्दरूपाणि (अकारान्त-उकारांत पुल्लिंगशब्दरूपाणि), धातुरूपणि (लट्लकारे प्रथमपुरुष:, सर्वनामपदपरिचय:, संख्याज्ञानम् ।
रुचिरा, द्वितीयोभाग:, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
सुभाषितानि ; दुर्बुद्धि: विनश्यति ; स्वावलम्बनम् ; पण्डिता रमाबाई ; सदाचार: सङ्कल्प: सिघ्द्धिदायक:; त्रिवर्ण:ध्वज:; अहमपि विद्यालयं गमिष्यामि; विश्वबन्धुत्वम्; समवायो हि दुर्जय: ; विद्याधनम् ; अमृतं संस्कृतम् ; लालनगीतम् ; परिशिष्टवर्णविचार:, कारकम्, शब्दरूपाणि, धातुरूपाणिच
रुचिरा, तृतीयोभाग:, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
सुभाषितानि ; बिलस्य वाणी न कदापि मे श्रुता ; डिजीभारतम् ; सदैव पुरतो निधेहि चरणम् ; कण्टकेनैव कण्टकम् ; गृहं शून्यं सुतां विना ; भारतजनताहम्; संसारसागरस्य नायका: ; सप्तभगिन्य: ; नीतिनवनीतम् ; सावित्रीबाईफुले ; क: रक्षति क: रक्षित:; क्षितौ राजते भारतस्वर्णभूमि: ; आर्यभट: ; परिशिष्टम्सन्धि:, कारकम्, शब्दरूपाणि (मातृ-अस्मद्-युष्मद्-स्वसृ-राजन् च); धातुरूपाणि (पठ्-खाद्-इच्छ च धातव:) ; प्रत्यय: (तुमुन्-क्तवा-ल्यप् च) I शेमुषी, प्रथमोभाग:, एनसीईआरटी, नईदिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
भारतीवसन्तगीति:; स्वर्णकाक: गोदोहनम् ; सूत्तिमौत्तिकम् ; भ्रान्तोबाल: ; सिकतासेतु: ; जटायो: शौर्यम् ; पर्यावरणम् ; वाड्मन: प्राणस्वरूपम् व्याकरणवीथि:, सन्धि: (स्वर:-दीर्घ:, गुण:, वृद्धि:, यण्, अयादि व्यंजन-जश्त्वसंधि:, ‘म्’ स्थाने अनुस्वार:, ; विसर्गसंधि:- विसर्गस्य उवतम्-रत्वम्) ; शब्दरूपाणि (बालक-कवि-साधु-पितृ-लता-नदी-मातृ-राजन-भवत्-विद्वस्-अस्मद्-युष्मद्-तत्-इदम्-किम्)
धातुरूपाणि (पठ्-गम्-वद्-भू-क्रीड्-नी-दृश्-शक्-ज्ञा-अस्-कृ-दा-क्री-श्रु-पा-सेव्-लभ्); कारकविभत्तय: ; प्रत्यया: (क्तवा-तुमुन्-ल्यप्-क्तवतु-शतृ-शानच्-क्त); संख्याज्ञानम्; उपसर्गा: (द्वाविंशति: ; अव्ययानि (स्थानबोधकानि:-अत्र-तत्र-अन्यत्र-सर्वत्र-यत्र- एकत्र-उभयत्र ; कालबोधकानि:-यदा-तदा-सर्वदा-एकदा-पुरा-अधुना-अद्य-श्व:-ह्य: ; प्रश्नबोधकानि:-किम्-कुत्र-कति-कदा-कुत:-कथम्- किमर्थम्; अन्यानि:-च-अपि-यदि-तर्हि-यथा-तथा-सम्यक्-एव) रचनाप्रयोग, ; पत्रलेखनं
शेमुषी, द्वितीयोभाग:, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
शुचिपर्यावरणम्; बुद्धिर्बलवती सदा; शिशुलालनम्; जननीतुल्यवत्सला; सुभाषितानि; सौहार्दप्रकृते: शोभा; विचित्र:साक्षी; सूक्तय: अन्योक्तय: व्याकरणविथि:,
सन्धि: (व्यंजन-वर्गीय प्रथम वर्णस्य तृतीयवर्णे परिवर्तनं, प्रथमवर्णस्य प ञ्चमवर्णे परिवर्तनम्; विसर्गसंधि:- सिवर्गस्य उवतम्-रत्वम्, विसर्गलोप:, विसर्गस्य स्थाने स्-श्-ष्); अव्यय: (उच्चै:- च-श्व:-ह्य:-अद्य-अत्र-तत्र-यत्र-कुत्र-इदानीम्-अधुना-सम्प्रति-साम्प्रतं-यदा-तदा- कदा-सहसा-वृथा-शनै:- अपि-कुत:- इतस्तत:- यदि-तर्हि-यावत्- तावत्),
प्रत्यय: (तद्धिता-मतुप्-ठक्-त्व-तल्; स्त्रीप्रत्ययौ-टाप्-डीप्), समास: (तत्पुरुष:- विभक्ति:, बहुब्रीहि:, अव्ययीभाव:- अनु, उप, सह, निर, प्रति, यथा, द्वंद्व:-केवलम् इतरेतर:), वाच्यपरिवर्तनम् (केवलं लट्लकारे-कर्तृ, कर्म, क्रिया), रचनाप्रयोग, समय:, अशुद्धि: संशोधनं; पत्रलेखनं
A Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) teaches 11th to 12th standard level classes. In this examination there will be one question aper which is divided into 4 parts and 4rth part is subject specific. Part-I is Proficiency in Languages (20 marks), Part-II is General awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers, (20 marks), Part Ill - Perspectives on Education and Leadership (40 marks) and Part IV - Subject-specific Syllabus (100 marks). The Syllabus Oriented strategy related to KVS PGT examination can be beneficial for the students.
We can understand syllabus-oriented strategy through the following points:
General English
Part-I (Proficiency in Languages) of this examination is divided in two sections – General English (10 marks) and General Hindi (10 marks). In General English basic knowledge of English will be tested but without the right strategy it is not easy to score good marks. To score sufficient marks in this section you should keep the following points in mind:
- Reading English Newspapers: Reading English newspapers daily to enhance word power and language comprehension and awareness.
- Practice Grammar Rules: Regularly practice grammar rules to reinforce your understanding of English language fundamentals.
- Note-Taking: Create concise and handy notes summarizing key points, rules, and concepts for quick revision.
- Thorough Syllabus Review: Familiarize yourself with the entire syllabus, understanding each topic in depth to prepare comprehensively.
- Topic-wise Revision: Systematically revise each topic outlined in the syllabus to reinforce your grasp on essential English concepts.
General Hindi
Part I (Proficiency in Languages), second section is General Hindi (10 marks). Despite Hindi being the mother tongue of many students, it becomes difficult to score the required marks in this section. Students can score good marks in this section by keeping the following things in mind:
- Reading Hindi Newspapers: Cultivate a routine of daily Hindi newspaper reading to acquire new vocabulary, language comprehension and awareness which will contribute to achieving higher scores in the examination.
- Develop a Strong Understanding of Hindi Grammar: Develop a strong understanding of Hindi grammar by concentrating on areas such as error identification, plural and singular forms, etc., to elevate your level of preparation.
- English to Hindi Translation Passages and Vice-Versa Daily Challenge yourself by solving a minimum of 3-4 passages from English to Hindi each day in a time bound manner. This practice will enhance your speed in responding to questions and improve accuracy during the exam.
- Read Authentic Books: Studying reliable and official books based on General Hindi will be beneficial in achieving the score.
General Awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers
In Part-II, important topics like - General Awareness & Current Affairs (10 marks), Reasoning Ability (5 marks) and Computer Literacy (5 marks) are included. Seeing its vividness and importance, there is a need for different strategies to reach the above-mentioned topics which can be understood one-by-one through the following points.
- General Awareness & Current Affairs: Subtopics in general awareness become more vivid so it is important that you practice MCQs (Multiple Choices Questions) based questions as much as possible by understanding the weak and strong aspects of your study. To prepare for this section achieve good marks, you can include Drishti Publications' G.K. book and One Day MAGIC Series in your study material. For current affairs, you need to focus on MCQs and content through daily newspaper or any authentic website or magazine.
- Reasoning:To prepare for this section, it will be necessary to practice as much as possible on the important topics seen in your previous year papers. For this you can also take the help of some authentic book. In this section, it is more important to solve the questions in a time bound manner. For this section you need to focus on some important topics under as:
- Logical Reasoning
- Alphanumeric Series
- Coded Inequalities
- Seating Arrangement
- Coding-Decoding
- Data Sufficiency
- Puzzle Tabulation
- Syllogism
- Ranking, Direction, Alphabet Test
- Blood Relations etc.
- Proficiency in Computers: This section tests fundamental computer knowledge. The questions range of difficulty from easy to moderate. You can improve your weaknesses by participating in practical sessions and practice mocks. Use the best Computer Literacy books to improve your preparations. For this section enhance your preparation by incorporating top-notch Computer Literacy books, such as the G.K. book from Drishti Publications, into your study materials. This resource offers a comprehensive approach to General Awareness, Reasoning, and Proficiency in Computers.
Perspectives on Education and Leadership:
This section is divided in five parts (Total 40 marks) - Understanding the Learner (15 marks), Understanding Teaching Learning (15 marks), Creating Conducive Learning Environment (4 marks), School Organization and Leadership (4 marks) and Perspectives in Education (2 marks). This section is crucial for your success as it covers total 40 marks, hence it is important to focus on it strategically. The section on "Perspectives on Education and Leadership" in the KVS PGT examination is designed to evaluate your comprehension of contemporary theories and practices in the realms of education and leadership. It also aims to gauge your capacity for analysis and reflection on these concepts. To prepare effectively for this exam segment, consider the following steps:
- Understand the Exam Format and Content: Understanding of the exam structure, including the types of questions, time constraints, and the probable topics to be covered.
- Review Course Materials: If you have undergone coursework in education or leadership, revise your notes and Textbooks. This will help refresh your understanding of crucial concepts and theories.
- Read Widely: Explore a variety of sources, including articles, books, and other materials that delve into subjects associated with education and leadership. Pay close attention to contemporary trends and pertinent issues within these fields.
- There is a need to practice ample amount of MCQs based on the latest syllabus and pattern.
Subject specific syllabus
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes 11th & 12th) as indicated under respective subject headings. However, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of post-graduation. Following subjects are covered under KVS PGT:
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Computer Science
- Commerce (Accountancy and Business Studies)
- Economics
- Geography
- History
- English
- Hindi
- Biotechnology
Note: The Professional Competency Test (Demo Teaching and Interview) is of 60 marks. The weightage of Written Test & Professional Competency Test (Demo Teaching and Interview) will be in the ratio of 70:30. Final merit list will be based on the performance of the candidate in Written Test, Professional Competency Test taken together.
The Detailed Syllabus for KVS PGT is as follows:
The written test is of 180 marks (180 objective type multiple choice questions) carrying 01 mark for each question. The duration of written test will be 180 minutes without any time limit for each part individually.
Part-I - Proficiency in Languages (20 marks):
- General English-10 questions
- Reading Comprehension, Word Power, Grammar and Usage
- General Hindi-10 questions
- पठन कौशल, शब्द सामर्थ्य, व्याकरण एवं प्रयुक्ति
Part II — General awareness, Reasoning & Proficiency in Computers (20 marks)
- General Awareness & Current Affairs (10 marks)
- Reasoning Ability (5 marks)
- Computer Literacy (5 marks)
Part-Ill: Perspectives on Education and Leadership (40 marks)
(a) Understanding the Learner (15 marks)
- Concept of growth, maturation and development, principles and debates of development, development tasks and challenges
- Domains of Development: Physical, Cognitive, Socio-emotional, Moral etc., deviations in development and its implications.
- Understanding Adolescence: Needs, challenges and implications for designing institutional support.
- Role of Primary and Secondary Socialization agencies. Ensuring Home school continuity.
(b) Understanding Teaching Learning (15 marks)
- Theoretical perspectives on Learning -Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism with special reference to their implications for:
- The role of teacher
- The role of learner
- Nature of teacher-student relationship
- Choice of teaching methods
- Classroom environment
- Understanding of discipline, power etc.
- Factors affecting learning and their implications for:
- Designing classroom instructions,
- Planning student activities and,
- Creating learning spaces in school.
- Planning and Organization of Teaching-Learning
- Concept of Syllabus and Curriculum, Overt and Hidden Curriculum, Principles of curriculum organization
- Competency based Education, Experiential learning, etc.
- Instructional Plans: -Year Plan, Unit Plan, Lesson Plan
- Instructional material and resources
- Information and Communication Technology(ICT) for teaching-learning
- Evaluation: Purpose, types and limitations. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation,Characteristics of a good tool.
- Assessment of learning, for learning and as learning: Meaning, purpose and considerations in planning each.
- Enhancing Teaching Learning processes: Classroom Observation and Feedback. Reflections and Dialogues as a means of constructivist teaching.
(c) Creating Conducive Learning Environment (04 marks)
- The concepts of Diversity, disability and Inclusion, implications of disability as social construct, types of disabilities-their identification and interventions
- Concept of School Mental Health, addressing the curative, preventive and promotive dimensions of mental health for all students and staff. Provisioning for guidance and counselling.
- Developing School and community as a learning resource.
(d) School Organization and Leadership (04 marks)
- Leader as reflective practitioner, team builder, initiator, coach and mentor.
- Perspectives on School Leadership: instructional, distributed and transformative
- Vision building, goal setting and creating a School development.
- Using School Processes and forums for strengthening teaching learning-Annual Calendar, time-tabling, parent teacher forums, school assembly, teacher development forums , using achievement data for improving teaching —learning, School Self Assessment and Improvement.
- Creating partnerships with community , industry and other neighbouring schools and Higher Education Institutes — forming learning communities.
(e) Perspectives in Education (02 marks)
- NEP-2020: Curriculum and Pedagogy in Schools: Holistic & Integrated Learning; Equitable and Inclusive Education: Learning for All; Competency based learning and Education.
- Guiding Principles for Child Rights, Protecting and provisioning for rights of children to safe and secure school environment, Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009.
- Historically studying the National Policies in education with special reference to school education;
- School Curriculum Principles: Perspective, Learning and Knowledge, Curricular Areas, School Stages, Pedagogy and Assessment
Part-IV - Subject specific Syllabus (100 marks)
Note: The Professional Competency Test (Demo Teaching and Interview) is of 60 marks. The weightage of Written Test & Professional Competency Test (Demo Teaching and Interview) will be in the ratio of 70:30.
Final merit list will be based on the performance of the candidate in Written Test, Professional Competency Test taken together.
PGT – Economics
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes XI & XII), however, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of post-graduation.
Meaning, scope, functions and importance of statistics in Economics
Collection, Organisation and Presentation of data
- Collection of data - sources of data - primary and secondary; how basic data is collected with concepts of Sampling; methods of collecting data; some important sources of secondary data: Census of India and National Sample Survey Organisation.
- Organisation of Data: Meaning and types of variables; Frequency Distribution.
- Presentation of Data: Tabular Presentation and Diagrammatic Presentation of Data: (i) Geometric forms (bar diagrams and pie diagrams), (ii) Frequency diagrams (histogram, polygon and Ogive) and (iii) Arithmetic line graphs (time series graph
Statistical Tools and Interpretation
- Measures of Central Tendency- Arithmetic mean, median and mode
- Correlation – meaning and properties, scatter diagram; Measures of correlation – Karl Pearson's method (two variables ungrouped data) Spearman's rank correlation.
- Introduction to Index Numbers - meaning, types - wholesale price index, consumer price index and index of industrial production, uses of index numbers; Inflation and index numbers.
Introduction to Microeconomics
- Meaning of microeconomics and macroeconomics; positive and normative economics
- What is an economy? Central problems of an economy: what, how and for whom to produce; concepts of production possibility frontier and opportunity cost.
Consumer's Equilibrium and Demand
- Consumer's equilibrium - meaning of utility, marginal utility, law of diminishing marginal utility, conditions of consumer's equilibrium using marginal utility analysis.
- Indifference curve analysis of consumer's equilibrium-the consumer's budget (budget set and budget line), preferences of the consumer (indifference curve, indifference map) and conditions of consumer's equilibrium.
- Demand, market demand, determinants of demand, demand schedule, demand curve and its slope, movement along and shifts in the demand curve; price elasticity of demand factors affecting price elasticity of demand; measurement of price elasticity of demand –percentage-change method and total expenditure method.
Producer Behaviour and Supply
- Meaning of Production Function – Short-Run and Long-Run
- Total Product, Average Product and Marginal Product.
- Returns to a Factor
- Cost: Short run costs - total cost, total fixed cost, total variable cost; Average cost; Average fixed cost, average variable cost and marginal cost-meaning and their relationships.
- Revenue - total, average and marginal revenue - meaning and their relationship.
- Producer's equilibrium-meaning and its conditions in terms of marginal revenue marginal cost. Supply, market supply, determinants of supply, supply schedule, supply curve and its slope, movements along and shifts in supply curve, price elasticity of supply; measurement of price elasticity of supply - percentage-change method.
Forms of Market and Price Determination under Perfect Competition with simple applications.
- Perfect competition - Features; Determination of market equilibrium and effects of shifts in demand and supply.
- Simple Applications of Demand and Supply: Price ceiling, price floor.
National Income and Related Aggregates
- Basic concepts in macroeconomics: consumption goods, capital goods, final goods, intermediate goods; stocks and flows; gross investment and depreciation.
- Circular flow of income (two sector model); Methods of calculating National Income – Value Added or Product method, Expenditure method, Income method.
- Aggregates related to National Income: Gross National Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP), Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Net Domestic Product (NDP) - at market price, at factor cost; Real and Nominal GDP.
- GDP and Welfare
Money and Banking
- Money – meaning and functions, supply of money - Currency held by the public and net demand deposits held by commercial banks.
- Money creation by the commercial banking system.
- Central bank and its functions (example of the Reserve Bank of India): Bank of issue, Govt. Bank, Banker's Bank, Control of Credit through Bank Rate, CRR, SLR, Repo Rate and Reverse Repo Rate, Open Market Operations, Margin requirement.
Determination of Income and Employment
- Aggregate demand and its components.
- Propensity to consume and propensity to save (average and marginal).
- Short-run equilibrium output; investment multiplier and its mechanism.
- Meaning of full employment and involuntary unemployment.
- Problems of excess demand and deficient demand; measures to correct them - changes in government spending, taxes and money supply.
Government Budget and the Economy
- Government budget - meaning, objectives and components.
- Classification of receipts - revenue receipts and capital receipts;
- Classification of expenditure – revenue expenditure and capital expenditure.
- Balanced, Surplus and Deficit Budget – measures of government deficit.
Balance of Payments
- Balance of payments account - meaning and components;
- Balance of payments – Surplus and Deficit
- Foreign exchange rate - meaning of fixed and flexible rates and managed floating.
- Determination of exchange rate in a free market, Merits and demerits of flexible and fixed exchange rate. Managed Floating exchange rate system
Development Experience (1947-90) and Economic Reforms since 1991:
- A brief introduction of the state of Indian economy on the eve of independence. Indian economic system and common goals of Five Year Plans.
- Main features, problems and policies of agriculture (institutional aspects and new agricultural strategy), industry (IPR 1956; SSI – role & importance) and foreign trade.
- Economic Reforms since 1991: Features and appraisals of liberalisation, globalisation and privatisation (LPG policy); Concepts of demonetization and GST
Current challenges facing Indian Economy
- Human Capital Formation: How people become resource; Role of human capital in economic development; Growth of Education Sector in India
- Rural development: Key issues - credit and marketing - role of cooperatives; agricultural diversification; alternative farming - organic farming
- Employment: Growth and changes in work force participation rate in formal and informal sectors; problems and policies
- Sustainable Economic Development: Meaning, Effects of Economic Development on Resources and Environment, including global warming
Development Experience of India:
- A comparison with neighbours India and Pakistan
- India and China Issues: economic growth, population, sectoral development and other Human Development Indicators
PGT – Geography
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes XI & XII), however, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of post-graduation.
Geography as a Discipline
- Geography as an integrating discipline, as a science of spatial attributes
- Branches of Geography: Physical Geography and Human Geography
The Earth
- Origin and evolution of the earth
- Interior of the earth Earthquakes and volcanoes: causes, types and effects
- Distribution of oceans and continents: Wegener's continental drift theory and plate tectonics
- Geomorphic processes: weathering; mass wasting; erosion and deposition; soil- formation
- Landforms and their evolution- Brief erosional and depositional features
- Atmosphere- composition and structure; elements of weather and climate
- Solar Radiation-Insolation-angle of incidence and distribution; heat budget of the earth- heating and cooling of atmosphere (conduction, convection, terrestrial radiation and advection); temperature- factors controlling temperature; distribution of temperature horizontal and vertical; inversion of temperature
- Atmospheric circulation and weather systems - Pressure-pressure belts; winds-planetary, seasonal and local; air masses and fronts; tropical and extra tropical cyclones
- Water in the atmosphere-Precipitation- evaporation; condensation-dew, frost, fog, mist and cloud; rainfall-types and world distribution
- World Climate and Global Concerns
Water (Oceans)
- Basics of Oceanography
- Oceans - distribution of temperature and salinity
- Movements of ocean water-waves, tides and currents; submarine reliefs
Life on the Earth
- Biosphere - importance of plants and other organisms; biodiversity and conservation
- India-Physical Environment
- India: Location, space relations, India's place in the world
- Structure and Relief; Physiographic Divisions
- Drainage systems: Concept of river basins, watershed; the Himalayan and the Peninsular rivers
Climate, Vegetation and Soil
- Weather and climate - spatial and temporal distribution of temperature, Indian monsoon: mechanism, onset and withdrawal
- Natural vegetation-forest types and distribution; wildlife; conservation; biosphere reserves
Hazards and Disasters: Causes, Consequences and Management
- Floods, Cloudbursts
- Droughts: types and impact
- Earthquakes and Tsunami Cyclones: features and impact
- Landslides
Fundamentals of Maps
- Geo spatial data, Concept of Geographical data matrix; Point, line, area data
- Maps - types; scales-types; construction of simple linear scale, measuring distance; finding direction and use of symbols
- Map projection- Latitude, longitude and time, typology, construction and properties of projection: Conical with one standard parallel and Mercator's projection.
Topographic and Weather Maps
- Study of topographic maps (1 : 50,000 or 1 : 25,000 Survey of India maps); contour cross section and identification of landforms-slopes, hills, valleys, waterfall, cliffs; distribution of settlements
- Satellite imageries, stages in remote sensing data- acquisition, platform and sensors and data products, (photographic and digital)
- The World Population- distribution, density and growth
- Population change - Components of population change, Demographic Transition
- Human development-concept; selected indicators, international comparisons
- Population: distribution, density and growth; composition of population - linguistic, religious; sex, rural-urban and occupational-regional variations in growth of population
Human Activities
- Primary activities - concept and changing trends; gathering, pastoral, mining, subsistence agriculture, modern agriculture; people engaged in agricultural and allied activities – some examples from selected countries
- Secondary activities- concept; manufacturing: types - household, small scale, large scale; agro based and mineral based industries;
- Tertiary activities - concept; trade, transport and tourism; services; people engaged in tertiary activities
- Quaternary activities- concept; people engaged in quaternary activities - case study from selected countries
Human Settlements
- Rural settlements - types and distribution
- Urban settlements - types, distribution and functional classification
Transport, Communication and Trade
- Land transport - roads, railways; trans- continental railways Water transport- inland waterways; major ocean routes
- Air transport- Intercontinental air routes Oil and gas pipelines
- Satellite communication and cyber space- importance and usage for geographical information; use of GPS
- International trade- bases and changing patterns; ports as gateways of international trade; role of WTO in international trade
Resources and Development
- Land resources- general land use; agricultural land use; geographical conditions and distribution of major crops (Wheat, Rice, Tea, Coffee, Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane and Rubber); agricultural development and problems
- Water resources-availability and utilization- irrigation, domestic, industrial and other uses; scarcity of water and conservation methods-rainwater harvesting and watershed management
- Mineral and energy resources- distribution of metallic (Iron ore, Copper, Bauxite, Manganese); non-metallic (Mica, Salt) minerals; conventional (Coal, Petroleum, Natural gas and Hydroelectricity) and non-conventional energy sources (solar, wind, biogas) and conservation
- Planning in India- target group area planning (case study); idea of sustainable development (case study)
Transport, Communication and International Trade
- Transport and communication-roads, railways, waterways and airways: oil and gas pipelines; Geographical information and communication net works
- International trade- changing pattern of India's foreign trade; seaports and their hinterland and airports
- Geographical Perspective on selected issues and problems
- Environmental pollution; urban-waste disposal
- Urbanization, rural-urban migration; problems of slums
- Land degradation
PGT - History
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes XI & XII), however, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of post-graduation.
Writing and City Life
- Iraq, 3rd millennium BCE
- Growth of towns
- Nature of early urban societies
- Historians’ Debate onuses of writing
An Empire across Three Continents
- Roman Empire, 27BCE to 600 CE
- Political evolution
- Economic Expansion
- Religion-culture foundation
- Late Antiquity
- Historians’ view on the Institution of Slavery
- The Mongol, 13th to 14th century
- The nature of nomadism
- Formation of empires
- Conquests and relations with other states
- Historians’ views on nomadic societies and state formation
The Three Orders.
Western Europe 13th - 16th century
- Feudal society and economy
- Formation of state
- Church and society
- Historians’ views on decline of feudalism
Changing Cultural Traditions
Europe 14th -17th century
- New ideas and new trends in literature and arts
- Relationship with earlier ideas
- The contribution of West Asia
- Historians’ viewpoint on the validity of the notion ‘European Renaissance
Displacing Indigenous People
North America and Australia, 18th to 20th century
- European colonists in North America and Australia
- Formation of White Settler societies
- Displacement and repression of local people
- Historians’ viewpoint on the impact of European settlement on indigenous population
Paths to Modernization
East Asia, late 19th to 20th century
- Militarization and economic growth in Japan
- China and the communist alternative
- Historians’ Debate on the meaning of modernization
The Harappan Civilization
- Broad overview: Early urban centers
- Story of discovery: Harappan civilization
- Excerpt: Archaeological report on a major site
Early States and Economies (C. 600 BCE-600 CE)
- Broad overview: Political and economic History from the Mauryan to the Gupta period
- Story of discovery: Inscriptions and the Decipherment of the script. Shifts in the Understanding of political and economic history.
- Excerpt: Ashokan inscription and Gupta period land grant
Early Society Societies (C. 600 BCE-600 CE)
- Broad overview: Social Histories: Using the Mahabharata
- Issues in social history, including caste, class, kinship and gender
- Story of discovery: Transmission and publications of the Mahabharata
- Excerpt: from the Mahabharata, illustrating how it has been used by historians.
Cultural Developments (C. 600 BCE - 600 CE)
- Broad overview: A History of Buddhism: Sanchi Stupa a) A brief review of religious histories of Vedic religion, Jainism, Vaishnavism, Shaivism (Puranic Hinduism) b) Focus on Buddhism.
- Story of discovery: Sanchi stupa. Excerpt: Reproduction of sculptures from Sanchi.
Perceptions of Society (tenth to seventeenth century)
- Broad Overview: outlines of social and cultural life as they appear in traveller’s account.
- Story of their writings: A discussion of where they traveled, what they wrote and for whom they wrote.
- Excerpts: from Al Biruni, Ibn Battuta, Francois Bernier.
Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional Texts (eighth to eighteenth centuries)
- Broad overview: a. Outline of religious developments during this period saints. b. Ideas and practices of the Bhakti-Sufi
- Story of Transmission: How Bhakti-Sufi compositions have been preserved.
- Excerpt: Extracts from selected Bhakti-Sufi works
AN IMPERIAL CAPITAL: VIJAYANAGARA (fourteenth to sixteenth centuries)
- Story of Discovery: Account of how Hampi was found.
- Excerpt: Visuals of buildings at Hampi
Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire (c. sixteenth-seventeenth centuries)
- Broad overview: The Aini-Akbari a. Structure of agrarian relations in the 16th and 17th centuries. b. Patterns of change over the period.
- Story of Discovery: Account of the compilation and translation of Ain I Akbari
- Excerpt: from the Ain-i-Akbari.
- Broad overview: Colonialism and Rural Society: Evidence from Official Reports a) Life of zamindars, peasants and artisans in the late 18th century b). Permanent Settlement, Santhals and Paharia's
- Story of official records: An account of why official Investigations into rural societies were undertaken, and the types of records and reports produced.
- Excerpts: From Fifth Report
REBELS AND THE RAJ: 1857 Revolt and its Representations
- Broad overview: a. The events of 1857-58. b. Vision of Unity c. How these events were recorded and narrated. Focus: Lucknow
- Excerpts: Pictures of 1857.
- Extracts from contemporary accounts.
- Civil Disobedience and Beyond Broad overview: a. The Nationalist Movement 1918 - 48. b. The nature of Gandhian politics and leadership.
- Focus: Mahatma Gandhi and the three movements and his last days as “finest hours”
- Excerpts: Reports from English and Indian language newspapers and other contemporary writings.
- The Beginning of a New Era Broad overview: The Making of the Constitution an overview: a. Independence and then a new nation state. b. The making of the Constitution
- Focus: The Constituent Assembly Debates
- Excerpts: from the debates
PGT हिंदी
विषय विशेष पाठ्यक्रम में NCERT/CBSE पाठ्यक्रम में प्रदत्त एवं कक्षा 11वीं और 12वीं की पाठ्यपुस्तकों में अंतर्निहित अवधारणा/संकल्पना समिल्लित हैं, हालाँकि, प्रश्नों के माध्यम से उपर्युक्त अवधारणाओं और अनुप्रयोगों की स्नातकोत्तर स्तर की गहन समझ का आकलन किया जाएगा।
पाठ्यपुस्तक- आरोह, भाग-I
एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
पाठ्यपुस्तक- आरोह, भाग-II
एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
1. प्रेमचंद : नमक का दरोगा
1. हरिवंश राय बच्चन :
2. कृष्णा सोबती : मियाँ नसीरुद्दीन
2. आलोक धन्वा : पतंग
3. सत्यजित राय : अपू के साथ ढाई साल
3. कुँवर नारायण :
- कविता के बहाने
- बात सीधी थी पर
4. बाल मुकुंद गुप्त : विदाई-संभाषण
4. रघुवीर सहाय : कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज
5. शेखर जोशी : गलता लोहा
5. शमशेर बहादुर सिंह: उषा
6. मन्नू भंडारी : रजनी
6. सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’: बादल राग
7. कृष्ण चंदर : जामुन का पेड़
7. तुलसीदास :
- कवितावली (उत्तरकांड से)
- लक्ष्मण-मूर्च्छा और राम का विलाप
8. जवाहर लाल नेहरू : भारत माता
8. फिराक गोरखुपरी : रुबाइयाँ
9. उमाशंकर जोशी :
- छोटा मेरा खेत
- बगुलों के पंख
1. कबीर : हम तौ एक एक करि जानां
1. महादेवी वर्मा : भक्तिन
2.मीरा : मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल, दूसरो न कोई
2. जैनेंद्र कुमार : बाज़ार दर्शन
3. भवानी प्रसाद मिश्र : घर की याद
3. धर्मवीर भारती : काले मेघा पानी दे
4. त्रिलोचन : चम्पा काले-काले अच्छर नहीं चीन्हती
4. फणीश्वरनाथ रेणु : पहलवान की ढोलक
5. दुष्यंत कुमार : गज़ल
5. हजारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी : शिरीष के फूल
6. अक्का महादेवी :
- हे भूख! मत मचल
- हे मेरे जूही के फूल जैसे ईश्वर
6. बाबा साहेब भीमराव अंबेडकर :
- श्रम विभाजन और जाति-प्रथा
- मेरी कल्पना का आदर्श समाज
7. अवतार सिंह पाश : सबसे खतरनाक
8. निर्मला पुतुल : आओ, मिल कर बचाएँ
सहायक पाठ्यपुस्तक- वितान, भाग 1,
एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
सहायक पाठ्यपुस्तक- वितान, भाग-2, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
1. कुमार गंधर्व : भारतीय गायिकाओं में बेजोड़ : लता मंगेशकर
1. मनोहर श्याम जोशी : सिल्वर वैडिंग
2. अनुपम मिश्र : राजस्थान की रजत बूँदें
2. आनंद यादव : जूझ
3. बेबी हालदार : आलो-आँधारि
3. ओम थानवी : अतीत में दबे पाँव
- बिंब,अलंकार, छंद तथा काव्य-रूप,
- कोड-मिक्सिंग तथा कोड-स्विचिंग
- पद तथा पदक्रम-संज्ञा एवं संज्ञा-भेद, लिंग, वचन, कारक, सर्वनाम एवं सर्वनाम-भेद; विशेषण एवं विशेषण-भेद, प्रविशेषण; क्रिया एवं क्रिया-भेद, वाच्य; अव्यय-भेद; निपात,
- शब्द-भंडार और शब्द निर्माण-शब्दों का वर्गीकरण
- स्रोत, उत्पत्ति या इतिहास के आधार पर-तत्सम, तद्भव, देशज, आगत (विदेशज), संकर
- रचना के आधार पर- मूल या रूढ़ शब्द, व्युत्पन्न शब्द-यौगिक, योगरूढ़
- अर्थ के आधार पर- पर्यायवाची, विलोमार्थी, एकार्थी, अनेकार्थी, श्रुति समभिन्नार्थक शब्द
- शब्द निर्माण- उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, समास, युग्म शब्द, पुनरुक्त शब्द
3. अभिव्यक्ति और माध्यम, एनसीईआरटी, नई दिल्ली द्वारा प्रकाशित
- जनसंचार माध्यम और लेखन
- जनसंचार माध्यम
- पत्रकारिता के विविध आयाम
- विभिन्न माध्यमों के लिये लेखन
- पत्रकारीय लेखन के विभिन्न रूप लेखन प्रक्रिया
- विशेष लेखन-स्वरूप और प्रकार
- सृजनात्मक लेखन
- कैसे बनती है कविता
- नाटक लिखने का व्याकरण
- डायरी लिखने की कला
- कथा-पटकथा
- कैसे करें कहानी का नाट्य रूपांतरण
- कैसे बनता है रेडियो नाटक
- नए और अप्रत्याशित विषयों पर लेखन
- व्यावहारिक लेखन
- कार्यालयी लेखन और प्रक्रिया
- स्ववृत्त लेखन और रोज़गार संबंधी आवदेन पत्र
- शब्दकोश : संदर्भ ग्रंथों की उपयोगी विधि और परिचय
PGT - English
Subject specific syllabus includes the concepts of NCERT/CBSE syllabus and Textbooks (Classes XI & XII); however, the questions will be testing the depth of understanding and application of these concepts at the level of post-graduation.
- Reading: Unseen passage (Factual, descriptive or literary) to assess comprehension, interpretation inference and vocabulary, Unseen case-based passage with verbal/visual inputs like statistical data, charts etc., Note Making and Summarization based on a passage.
- Creative Writing Skills: Notice, Formal/Informal Invitation and Reply, Letters based on verbal/visual input, Article/ Report Writing, descriptive and analytical in nature, based on verbal inputs. Classified Advertisements, Poster, rating a Speech in 120-150 words based on verbal/ visual clues related to some contemporary / age-appropriate topic, Debate on contemporary topical issues based on visual/verbal inputs.
- Grammar: Questions on Gap filling (Tenses, Clauses), Questions on re-ordering/transformation of sentences.
- The Portrait of a Lady, A Photograph, “We’re Not Afraid to Die... if we can be together, Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues; The Laburnum Top, The Voice of the Rain, Childhood, The Adventure; Silk Road, Father to Son
- The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse, The Address, Mother’s Day, Birth, The Tale of Melon City
- The Last Lesson , Lost Spring , Deep Water, The Rattrap , Indigo, Poets and Pancakes , The Interview , Going Places , My Mother at Sixty-Six , Keeping Quiet , A Thing of Beauty , A Roadside Stand , Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers, The Third Level ; The Tiger King, Journey to the end of the Earth , The Enemy , On the Face of It , Memories of Childhood, The Cutting of My Long Hair , We Too are