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The teaching profession enjoys widespread popularity in India, extending beyond central teaching examinations to include equally popular state-level teaching assessments. Rajasthan, the country's largest state, witnesses significant interest in teaching exams among its residents and attracts candidates from various other states based on their eligibility. On this website we will be discussing the Exam Pattern & Strategy for the ‘Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers’ (REET).

  • Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET) [also known as the Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (RTET)] examination is conducted by The Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan (BSER).

Exam Pattern

  • All questions within the REET will consist of Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs), each offering four alternatives, among which one will be deemed the most appropriate answer. Each question will carry one mark, and no negative marking will be applied.
  • The REET comprises two Levels: Level-I, designed for individuals aspiring to teach classes I to V, and Level-II, tailored for those intending to teach classes VI to VIII.
  • The time allotted for each Level is 2.5 Hours, i.e. 150 Minutes.

Level-I (Structure & Content: All Compulsory)
S. No. Section Number of Questions (MCQs) Marks
(i) Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
(ii) Language-I 30 30
(iii) Language-II 30 30
(iv) Mathematics 30 30
(v) Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150

Nature and standard of Questions:

  • The questions related to Child Development and Pedagogy will center on the educational psychology of teaching and learning pertinent to the age group of 6-11 years. The focus will be on gaining insights into the characteristics and needs of diverse learners, fostering interaction with students, and embodying the attributes and qualities essential for effective learning facilitation.
  • In Language-I, the questions will emphasize proficiencies aligned with the medium of instruction. Simultaneously, in Language-II, the emphasis will be on elements of language, communication, and comprehension abilities.
  • Language-II, distinct from Language-I, can be selected by the candidate from the available language options, and the choices need to be specified in the Confirmation Page. The available choices for language are – English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Urdu, Gujarati, Punjabi,
  • The questions in Mathematics and Environmental Studies will center on the understanding of concepts, problem-solving abilities, and pedagogical insights and applications within these subjects. Across these subject areas, the distribution of questions will be uniform, covering various sections of the syllabus outlined by the State Government for classes I-V.
  • In Level-I, the criteria for multiple choice questions will be based on the syllabus prescribed by the State Government for classes I to V and the textbooks with the difficulty standard and linkages potentially extending up to the Secondary stage.
  • The medium of the question Level (except language subject) will be Hindi or English.

Level-II (Structure & Content)
S. No. Section Number of Questions (MCQs) Marks
(i) Child Development and Pedagogy (Compulsory) 30 30
(ii) Language-I (Compulsory) 30 30
(iii) Language-II (Compulsory) 30 30
(iv) Mathematics and Science (for Mathematics and Science teacher) 60 60
(v) Social Studies/Social Science (for Social Studies/Social Science teacher) *For any other teacher - either (IV) or (V) 60 60
Total 150 150

Nature and standard of Questions:

  • The questions pertaining to Child Development and Pedagogy will center around the educational psychology of teaching and learning, specifically tailored to the 11-14 age group.
  • Emphasis will be placed on comprehending the traits, requirements, and psychology of varied learners, as well as exploring effective interaction with students. Furthermore, the assessment will address the attributes and qualities essential for serving as an adept facilitator of learning.
  • The questions in Language-I will concentrate on skills related to the chosen medium of instruction.
  • On the other hand, the questions in Language-II will emphasize language elements, communication, and comprehension abilities.
  • Language-II, distinct from Language-I, can be any language of the candidate's choice from the provided language options. Candidates must designate their choices for Language-I and Language-II on the Confirmation Page.
  • The languages available for opting will be almost the same as those in Level-I.

Strategy & Syllabus

REET is a highly competitive examination, evaluating candidates for teaching positions in Rajasthan. REET syllabus is comprehensive in nature hence it requires thorough practice and revision. Aspiring teachers need a well-thought-out strategy to succeed in this examination. Here we offer crucial REET preparation tips to assist candidates in excelling in the test and realizing their career aspirations. Whether you are approaching the exam for the first time or are an experienced candidate, these tips are invaluable in navigating your REET preparation journey.

Level-I (Class 1 to 5)
Level-II (Class 6 to 8) : Social Studies
Level-II (Class 6 to 8) : Maths & Science

Level-I (Class 1 to 5)

  • Level-I is applicable for those who aspire to teach in classes I to V, encompassing primary education. To adequately prepare for this Level, it is imperative to study the entire curriculum and content of the State Government syllabus spanning from classes I to V.
  • Apart from this, you can also use suitable material related to this from various publications. Like- series of Books focused on CTET Paper-I and REET Level-I, published by Drishti Publications.
  • Notably, the questions in Level-I are slightly less challenging than those in Level-II. The questions related to child development and pedagogy are at a primary level, while the questions in language, mathematics, and environmental studies align with a fifth-grade standard. This characteristic renders Level-I comparatively more manageable than Level-II.
  • Within Level-I, the pedagogy section provides insights into instructing young children, elucidating effective methods for language learning.
  • Despite its perceived ease, some candidates underestimate the preparation required for this Level, which can be a significant oversight. Hence, irrespective of the perceived simplicity of the Level, it is crucial to enter the examination thoroughly prepared and with unwavering confidence.

The detailed section-wise strategy for each section is as follows:

Child Development and Pedagogy (CDP)

  • In the primary classes, a teacher's primary responsibility is to inspire children to attend school regularly, a theme often reflected in examination questions from CDP too. To effectively address this, candidates are encouraged to delve into the theories put forth by various scholars.
  • Developing an understanding of child-centred education is essential. Consistent practice with questions from previous years is also crucial.
  • Additionally, candidates should possess knowledge about the learning processes of children and the challenges they encounter in a school environment.
  • This requires not only reading materials from diverse publishers but also actively engaging with the classroom setting to comprehend the specific issues faced by children. This practical experience contributes to a more comprehensive preparation for the examination.


  • The language section comprises a total of 60 questions, contributing to 60 marks, encompassing both Language-I and Language-II, holding a pivotal role in determining eligibility in the test.
  • This segment is further divided into two parts: language comprehension and the pedagogy of language development.
  • In language comprehension, the primary focus is on Unseen Passages, both factual and cognitive, where questions pertain to grammar and verbal aptitude. To prepare for this section, candidates are advised to study grammar books thoroughly and engage in practice exercises related to passage-based questions.
  • It is crucial for candidates to gain an understanding of the challenges faced by primary class children in language learning. Additionally, comprehension of the integration of language within the realms of family, society, and school is essential.
  • This knowledge serves as a foundation for easily solving the language pedagogy-related questions in the examination. Overall, a comprehensive approach to both language comprehension and pedagogy of language development is integral to success in the eligibility test.


  • In the initial stages, children are introduced to basic skills such as writing and counting numbers. As they progress, they delve into more advanced concepts like addition and subtraction. Candidates usually find elementary-level mathematics manageable during examinations.
  • Pedagogical approaches in mathematics aim to convey concepts in an accessible language to ensure that students don't perceive mathematics as overly challenging in subsequent classes, fostering a continuous and enjoyable learning experience.

Environmental Studies

  • The field of environmental studies comprises two segments, with 15 questions allocated to each. These sections cover fundamental aspects of the environment, including topics like Family and Friends, Food, Water, Travel, and Shelter.
  • In the realm of pedagogy, the curriculum delves into the understanding of environmental studies, learning principles, and the integration of children with their surroundings. Consequently, aspirants should be mindful of these aspects while preparing for the examination.
  • The criteria for multiple choice questions will be based on the syllabus prescribed by the State Government for classes 1 to 5 and the textbooks prevailing in the current academic session, but difficulty level of the questions will be up to the secondary (class 10) text books.

Note: The criteria for multiple choice questions asked in the examination will be based on the textbooks and syllabus of the course session 2021-22 prescribed by the state government for classes 1 to 5, but the level of difficulty will be of the textbooks up to Secondary (Class 10).

The Detailed Syllabus for REET Level-I is as follows:

Section I : Child Development and Pedagogy

  • Child Development: Concept of growth and development, Dimensions and Principles of Development. Factors affecting development (especially in the context of family and school) and their relationship with learning.
  • Role of Heredity and environment.
  • Individual Differences: Meaning, types and Factors affecting individual differences Understanding individual differences.
  • Personality: concept and types of personality, Factors responsible for shaping it. Its measurement.
  • Intelligence: Concept, Theories and its measurement. Multiple Intelligence. Its implication.
  • Understanding diverse learners: Backward, mentally retarded, gifted, creative, disadvantaged- deprived, CWSN, children with learning disabilities.
  • Learning Difficulties.
  • Adjustment: Concept and ways of adjustment. Role of teacher in the adjustment.
  • Meaning and Concept of learning. Factors Affecting learning Theories of learning and their implication.
  • How Children learn. Learning processes, Reflection, Imagination and Argument.
  • Motivation and Implications for Learning.
  • Teaching learning processes, Teaching learning strategies and methods in the context of National Curriculum Framework 2005.
  • Meaning and purposes of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation. Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Construction of Achievement Test, Learning Outcomes.
  • Action Research.
  • Right to Education Act, 2009 (Role and Responsibilities of Teachers)

Section II : (Language-I) हिंदी

  • एक अपठित गद्यांश में से निम्नलिखित व्याकरण संबंधी प्रश्न
    • पर्यायवाची, विलोम, वाक्याशों के लिये एक शब्द, शब्दार्थ, शब्द शुद्धि।
    • उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय, संधि और समास। संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, अव्यय।
  • एक अपठित गद्यांश में से निम्नलिखित बिंदुओं पर प्रश्न :
    • रेखांकित शब्दों का अर्थ स्पष्ट करना; वचन, काल, लिंग ज्ञात करना।
    • दिये गए शब्दों का वचन, काल और लिंग बदलना।
  • वाक्य रचना, वाक्य के अंग, वाक्य के प्रकार, पदबंध।
  • मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ, विराम चिह्न।
  • भाषा की शिक्षण विधि, भाषा शिक्षण के उपागम, भाषा दक्षता का विकास।
  • भाषायी कौशलों का विकास (सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना, लिखना), हिंदी भाषा शिक्षण में चुनौतियाँ, शिक्षण अधिगम सामग्री, पाठ्यपुस्तक, बहु-माध्यम एवं शिक्षण के अन्य संसाधन।
  • भाषा शिक्षण में मूल्यांकन, उपलब्धि परीक्षण का निर्माण, समग्र एवं सतत् मूल्यांकन, उपचारात्मक शिक्षण।


  • Unseen Prose Passage
    • Synonyms, Antonyms, Spellings, Word-formation, One Word Substitution
  • Unseen Poem passage
    • Parts of Speech, Tenses, Determiners, Degrees of comparison
  • Framing Questions Including Wh-questions, Active and Passive Voice, Narration, Knowledge of English Sounds and Phonetic Symbols
  • Principles of Teaching English, Methods and Approaches to English Language Teaching
  • Development of Language Skills, Teaching Learning Materials: ( Text books, Multi- Media Materials and other Resources)
  • Comprehensive & Continuous Evaluation, Evaluation in English Language.


  • एकम अपठितं गद्यांशम् आधारीकृत्य निम्नलिखित-व्याकरण-सम्बन्धिन: प्रश्ना:
    • शब्दरूप - धातुरूप - कारक - विभक्ति - उपसर्ग - प्रत्यय - सन्धि - समास - सर्वनाम - विशेषण - अव्ययेषु प्रश्ना-
  • एकम् अपठितं गद्यांशम् राजस्थानस्य इतिहासं कलां संस्कृतिं चाधारीकृत्य निम्नलिखित बिन्दुसम्बन्धिन: प्रश्ना –
    • रेखांकितपदेषुक्रियापद - चयन - वचन - लकार - लिंग - सन्धि - समास - विशेष्य - विशेषणज्ञान - विलोमशब्द - प्रश्ना:।
  • लकारपरिवर्तन - प्रश्ना: (लद - लह - लुद - विधिलिलकारेषु)
  • संख्याज्ञान - माहेश्वर - सूत्र - सम्बन्धिन: प्रश्ना- संस्कृतानुवाद:, वाध्यपरिवर्तनम् (लट्-लकारस्य) वाक्येषु प्रश्ननिर्माणम्, अशुद्धिसंशोधनम् संस्कृतसूक्तय:।
    1. संस्कृतभाषा-शिक्षण-विधय:।
    2. संस्कृतभाषा-शिक्षण-सिद्धान्ता:।
  • संस्कृतभाषाकौशलस्य विकास: (श्रवणम्, सम्भाषणम्, पठनम् लेखनम्)
  • संस्कृताध्यापनस्य अधिगमसाधनानि, पाठ्यपुस्तकानि संप्रेषणस्य साधनानि।
  • संस्कृतभाषा-शिक्षणस्य मूल्यांकन-सम्बन्धिन: प्रश्ना, मौखिक - लिखितप्रश्नानां प्रकार - सततमूल्यांकनम् उपचारात्मकशिक्षणम्।

Section III: (Language-II) हिन्दी

  • एक अपठित गद्यांश आधारित निम्नलिखित व्याकरण संबंधी प्रश्न
    • युग्म शब्द, वाक्याशों के लिये एक शब्द, उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय।
    • संधि, समास, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, लिंग, वचन, काल, शब्द शुद्धि।
  • एक अपठित पद्यांश पर आधारित निम्नलिखित बिंदुओं पर प्रश्न :-
    • नाद सौंदर्य
    • विचार सौंदर्य
    • भाव सौंदर्य
    • शिल्प सौंदर्य
    • जीवन दृष्टि
  • वाक्य रचना, वाक्य के अंग, वाक्य के भेद, पदबंध। मुहावरे, लोकोक्तियाँ, कारक चिह्न, अव्यय, विराम चिह्न।
  • भाषा शिक्षण विधि, भाषा शिक्षण के उपागम्, भाषायी दक्षता का विकास।
  • भाषायी कौशलों का विकास (सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना, लिखना), शिक्षण अधिगम सामग्री-पाठयपुस्तक, बहु-माध्यम एवं शिक्षण के अन्य संसाधन।
  • भाषा शिक्षण में मूल्यांकन, (सुनना, बोलना, पढ़ना, लिखना), उपलब्धि परीक्षण का निर्माण, समग्र एवं सतत् मूल्यांकन। उपचारात्मक शिक्षण।


  • Unseen Prose Passage
    • Linking Devices, Subject-Verb Concord, Inferences
  • Unseen Poem passage
    • Identification of Alliteration, Simile, Metaphor Personification, Assonance, Rhyme
  • Modal Auxiliaries, Common Idioms and Phrases Literary Terms
    • Elegy, Sonnet, Short Story, Drama
  • Basic knowledge of English Sounds and symbols.
  • Principles of Teaching English, Communicative Approach to English Language Teaching, Challenges of Teaching English: Difficulties in learning English (role of home language, multilingualism).
  • Methods of Evaluation, Remedial Teaching


  • एकम अपठितं गद्यांशम् आधारीकृत्य निम्नलिखित-व्याकरण-सम्बन्धिन: प्रश्ना:
    • शब्दरूप - धातुरूप - कारक - विभक्ति - उपसर्ग - प्रत्यय - सन्धि - समास - सर्वनाम - विशेषण - अव्ययेषु प्रश्ना-
  • एकम् अपठितं पद्यांशं वा श्लोकम् राजस्थानस्य इतिहासं कलां संस्कृतिं चाधारीकृत्य निम्नलिखित- बिन्दुसम्बन्धिन: व्याकरण प्रश्ना:
    • सन्धि - समास - कारक - प्रत्यय - छन्द - अलंकार - विशेष्य - विशेषण - लिंगसम्बन्धिन: प्रश्ना:।
  • संख्याज्ञान - समयज्ञान - माहेश्वरसूत्राणां सम्बन्धिन: प्रश्ना:।
  • संस्कृतानुवाद:, स्वर - व्यंजन - उच्चारणस्थानानि, वाच्यपरिवर्तनम् (लट्लकार) अशुद्धिसंशोधनम्, संस्कृतसूक्तय:।
    1. संस्कृत - भाषा - शिक्षण - विधय:।
    2. संस्कृतभाषा - शिक्षण - सिद्धान्ता:।
    3. संस्कृत शिक्षणाभिरुचिप्रश्ना:।
  • संस्कृतभाषाकौशलस्य विकास: (श्रवणम्, सम्भाषणम्, पठनम्. संस्कृतशिक्षणे - अधिगमसाधनानि, संस्कृतशिक्षणे संप्रेषणस्यसाधनानि, संस्कृतपाठ्यपुस्तकानि। लेखनम्)
  • संस्कृतभाषाशिक्षणस्य मूल्यांकन - सम्बन्धिन: प्रश्ना:,
  • मौखिक - लिखितप्रश्नानां प्रकारा: सततमूल्यांकनम् उपचारात्मक - शिक्षणम्।

Section IV : Mathematics

  • Whole numbers upto one crore, Place Value, Comparison; Fundamental mathematical operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division; Indian Currency.
  • Concept of fraction, proper fractions, comparison of proper fraction of same denominator, mixed fractions, comparison of proper fractions of unequal denominators, Addition and Substation of fractions. Prime and composite numbers, Prime factors, Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) and Highest Common Factor (HCF).
  • Unitary law, Average, Profit - Loss, simple interest
  • Plane and curved surfaces, plane and solid geometric figures, properties of plane geometrical figures; point, line, ray, line segment; Angle and their types.
  • Length, Weight, Capacity, Time, Measurement of area and their standard units and relation between them; Area and perimeter of plane surfaces of square and rectangular objects.
  • Nature of Mathematics/Logical thinking, Place of Mathematics in Curriculum, Language of Mathematics, Community Mathematics, Data Management
  • Evaluation through formal and informal methods
  • Problems of Teaching
  • Error analysis and related aspects of learning and teaching
  • Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching

Section V : Environmental studies

  • Family - Personal relationships, nuclear and joint families, social abuses (child marriage, dowry system, child labour, theft); addiction (intoxication, smoking) and its personal, social and economical bad effects.
  • Clothes and Habitats - Clothes for different seasons; maintenance of clothes at home; handloom and power loom; habitats of living beings, various types of houses; cleanliness of houses and neighbouring areas; Different types of materials for building houses.
  • Profession - Profession of your surroundings (stitching clothes, gardening, farming, animal rearing, vegetable vendor etc.), small and cottage industries; major industries of Rajasthan State, Need for consumer protection, co-operative societies.
  • Our Culture and Civilization - National Symbols, National festivals, Fairs and festivals of Rajasthan, Dresses and Ornaments of Rajasthan food-habits and Architecture of Rajasthan; Tourist places of Rajasthan; Major Great personalities and proud of Rajasthan, Heritage of Rajasthan (Forts, Palaces and Monuments), Paintings of Rajasthan, Lok-Devta of Rajasthan.
  • Transport and Communication - Means of transport and communication; Rules for pedestrians and transport, Traffic Symbols, Effects of means of communication on the lifestyle.
  • Personal Hygiene - External parts of our body and their cleanliness; general information about the internal parts of the body; Balance diet and its importance; Common diseases (gastroenteritis, amoebiasis, methaemoglobin, anemia, fluorosis, malaria, dengue.) their causes and methods of prevention; Pulse Polio campaign.
  • Living Beings - Levels of organization of plants and animals, diversity in living organisms, state flower, state tree, state bird, state animal; knowledge of reserve forest and wildlife (national parks, sanctuaries, tiger reserve, world heritage), conservation of species of plants and animals, Agricultural Practices.
  • Water - Basic knowledge of water, forest, wetlands and deserts; different kinds of pollution and pollution control, Water Properties. Sources, Management. Artistic water sources, potable water and sources of irrigation in Rajasthan
  • The earth and Space - Our Solar system, Indian Astronauts
  • Mountaineering - Equipment, Problems, Main women mountaineer of India.
  • Concept and scope of Environment Studies
  • Significance of Environment Studies, Integrated Environment Studies, Science Environmental Studies & Environmental Education learning Principles, Scope & relation to Science & Social Science.
  • Environmental Pedagogy - Approaches of presenting concepts. Activities, Experimentation/Practical Work. Discussion, Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation, Teaching material/Aids, Problems of Teaching, information and communication technology.

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